منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

إسلاميات علم ومعرفة ( فلسفة ومنطق + علم نفس وإجتماع+لغة عربية +لغة إنجليزية + لغة فرنسية +تاريخ +جغرافيا + فيزياء + كيمياء + أحياء +رياضيات + إقتصاد وإحصاء +جيولوجيا وعلوم بيئية + مستوى رفيع +أخرى )أخبار برامج ( للكمبيوتر+ النت+ تحميل برامج إسلامية )جديد

المواضيع الأخيرة

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» منج الفلسفة والمنطق لعام 2016 الجديد
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» مذكرة الصف الأول الثانوى الجديد لعام 2015
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» تحميل لعبة كرة القدم pes 2015 مجانا ً وبروابط مباشرة
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» اقوى مذكرة ادب وورد للصف الاول الثانوى مدعمة بتدريبات الاسئلة بمواصفات جديدة لواضع الاسئلة 2014
للصف الثالث الثانوى  Hello English Unit  5 I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 20, 2014 12:06 am من طرف أبويحيى

» مذكرة الاستاذ عبدة الجعر مراجعة قصة ابو الفوارس فصل فصل شامل كل الاسئلة الامتحانية بمواصفات 2014
للصف الثالث الثانوى  Hello English Unit  5 I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 20, 2014 12:04 am من طرف أبويحيى

التبادل الاعلاني

انشاء منتدى مجاني

    للصف الثالث الثانوى Hello English Unit 5

    مدير المنتدى أ/أحمد محمد الصغير أحمد

    عدد المساهمات : 300
    تاريخ التسجيل : 15/02/2012
    العمر : 46

    للصف الثالث الثانوى  Hello English Unit  5 Empty للصف الثالث الثانوى Hello English Unit 5

    مُساهمة  أبويحيى الثلاثاء أبريل 10, 2012 11:33 pm

    Hello English 1st Agatha Christie 3rd Unit 5


    amnesia فقدان الذاكرة embarrassed about محرج mouse / mice فأر - فئران
    excavate /excavation يحفر ـ ينقب identity هوية شخص shy خجول بطبعه
    excavation حفر ـ تنقيب identity card بطاقة radio signals إشارات لا سلكية
    poison سم headquarters مركز القيادة enemy عدو
    poisonous سام identify يتعرف على (هوية شخص) enmity عداوة
    mousetrap (embarrassed) about مصيدة فئران invade يغزو wounded soldier جندى مصاب
    murder (deliberately killing) جريمة قتل - يقتل invasion غزو commit / do a crime يرتكب جريمة
    murderer قاتل deliberately killing قتل متعمد radio اللاسلكي
    spy – spy on جاسوس ـ يتجسس على secret agent عميل سرى the metro = the underground المترو
    enclose يحيط بـ ـ يرفق بـ dig up يحفر actor ممثل
    include يشمل ـ يتضمن be based on قائم / مؤسس على actress ممثلة
    on the coast of على ساحل crime fiction قصص الجرائم الخيالية betray his home يخون وطنه
    play golf يلعب جولف transmitter جهاز إرسال - بث a travel agent مندوب السفر
    innocent بريئ signals إشارات welcome to مرحبا بك فى
    innocence برائه medical condition حاله طبية qualities صفات
    guilty مذنب military force قوه عسكريه sure about متأكد من
    take place يحدث especially وخاصة prove his innocence يثبت براءته
    on the way back فى طريقه العودة a substance ماده recommendation توصيه
    overlook يطل على aged 85 عن عمر يناهز85 busy with مشغول بـ
    set free يحرر - يطلق سراح a two- part word كلمه مكونه من جزأين captured يأسر
    close to قريب من arrest = catch يقبض على bang يضرب بقوة - ضربة عنيفة ـ فرقعة
    take control يسيطر - يتحكم solve يحل archaeologists علماء الآثار
    queen ملكه solution to حل leader قائد
    deeply affected يتأثر بعمق city centre وسط البلد ـ مركز المدينة suspect يشك في - المشتبه به
    theatre plays مسرحيات المسرح plan for يخطط من أجل transmit message to يبث رسالة لـ
    performed يجرى - يؤدى military action عمل عسكرى - حربى the orient train قطار الشرق
    imminent danger خطر وشيك الحدوث the free market السوق الحر take responsibility for يتحمل المسئولية عن
    cultural identity الهوية الثقافية a looming disaster كارثة وشيكة الوقوع a vital role دور حيوي
    a national duty واجب وطني exceed expectations يفوق التوقعات freedom of the press حرية الصحافة

    N or M ?
    It is a time of war in England and everyone knows that there could be an invasion at any time. The government knows that the enemy is being helped by a dangerous group of spies inside the country, but nobody knows their identity. But it is believed that the spies’ headquarters is a small hotel on the coast, and the spies’ leaders are a man and a woman.
    Two secret agents, Tommy Beresford and his wife Tuppence, are sent to the hotel to find these spies. They meet the other hotel guests and the people from the town. The guests include Mr. Bletchley, a retired soldier; Mrs. Sprot, a shy young woman; and Carl von Deinim, a scientist. Mr. Bletchley introduces Tommy to Mr. Haydock, a retired sailor who lives in a house overlooking the sea. The three men sometimes play golf together.
    The Beresford’s first suspects are the hotel owner and the scientist, but they soon discover that both are innocent. Then they hear that the invasion is planned for the following week. This means they have seven days to find the enemy and save the country from invasion.
    One day, after a game of golf, Tommy finds a radio transmitter hidden in Mr. Haydock’s bathroom and realizes that Haydock is one of the spies. Haydock does not seem worried by Tommy’s discovery. Tommy leaves his friend's house, but on the way back to his hotel, he is captured and locked in a room.
    Tuppence discovers the other spy leader. To everyone's surprise, it is the shy Mrs. Sprot. The police arrest her and soon find Mr. Haydock. Tommy is set free.Without the help of the spies’ leaders, the invasion cannot take place. Tommy and Tuppence have saved the country.

    Language Notes

    ashamed of shy
    ashamed of  يشعر بالخجل من ( شئ مخزي فعله )
    You must be a shamed of what you have done.
    shy  خجول بطبعه
    She is always shy in front of strangers.

    a spy spy on
    a spy (N)  جاسوس ( يعرف أسرار)
    Rafaat El Hagan was an Egyptian spy.
    spy on ( v)  يجسس على
    Do not spy on others.

    by on in مـع وسائـل المواصـلات
    by  مـع كـل وسـائـل المـواصـلات بـدون فـاصـل ( أداة أو صفـة ملكيـة)
    by ( plane – train – ship – boat – car – taxi ………. )
    I travelled abroad by plane. He went to work by car.
     مـا عـدا كلمـة foot التي تـأخـذ معهـا on
    on  مـع كـل وسـائـل المـواصـلات مـع وجـود فـاصـل ( أداة أو صفـة ملكيـه (
    on a ( ship – plane – bus – train ……. ) ( foot )
     مـا عـدا كلمتي ( car – taxi )
    I went to Alex. on a train. I go to school on foot.

    in  تأتـى مـع كلمتي( car – taxi ) مـع وجـود فـاصـل ( أداة أو صفـة ملكيـه )
    I go to school in my car. She goes to Mansoura in a taxi.

    based in  مقـره فـى
    His work is based in Egypt.
    based on  قائـم علـى
    It is a revision based on unit 18

    include contain comprise consist of compose
    include  يحتـوى علـى جـزء أو أكثـر مـن الأجـزاء ( المكونات ) و ليس كـل المكـونات.
    The pair of glasses includes two lenses.
    contain  يحتـوى علـى شـئ بداخـله ( علـى كـل )
    CD-ROMs can contain words, music and pictures.
    comprise consist of is composed  يتكـون مـن كـل المكـونات الأساسيـة
    The United Kingdom consists of / is composed/ comprises England, Wales, Scotland,
    and Northern Ireland.
    enclose  يـرفـق ـ يحيـط
    He enclosed a photo with his letter. My house is enclosed by a high fence.

    affect = have an effect on
    affect  يؤثـر علـى
    Smoking affects health badly.
    effect  تأثيـر
    Smoking has a bad effect on health.
     أحيانا تُستخدم كفعل بمعني يُحدث أو يسبب
    He effected several changes in the company.

    remember to + المصـدر  يتذكـر ثم يفعـل الشـئ
    I remember to post the letter .
    remember + (v + ing)  يتذكـر بعـد أن يفعـل الشـئ
    I remember posting the letter .

    retire resign
    retire  يحـال للمعـاش ( يتقـاعـد )
    When the employee is 60, he retires and can live on his pension.
    resign  ) يستقيـل من العمـل )
    Mr Ahmed resigned his position last week.

    trip journey voyage flight
    trip  رحلـة قصيـرة
    He is in a business trip in London.
    Journey  رحلـة طويلـة
    How long is the journey to the coast ?
    voyage  رحلـة بحريـة
    We went on a voyage by ship.
    flight  رحلـة جويـة
    The flight to Saudi Arabia took two hours.

    capture arrest
    capture  يأسر ـ يقبض على
    The town was captured by enemy troops. She was captured at the airport.
    arrest  يلقى القبض على
    He was arrested for shoplifting.سرقة المعروضات

    play go do
    play ( football, basketball, tennis, squash … )  تستخـدم مـع الألعـاب المتصلـة بالكـره .
    They are playing football.
    go ( fishing, sailing, swimming, running …)  تستخـدم مـع الألعـاب المنتهيـة بــ ing
    Let's go sailing.
    do ( karate, hockey, high jump, judo … )  تستخـدم مـع الألعـاب الأخـرى.
    I do karate.

    alone lonely
    alone  بمفرده ( شـئ مـادى )
    He carried the stone alone.
    lonely  وحيدا ( يشعـر بالوحـدة ) ( شـئ معنـوى )
    Despite his friends, he feels lonely.

    coast shore beach bank
    coast  ســاحل
    Alex. is located on the north coast of Egypt.
    shore  شـاطئ البحـر )البحـيرة )
    I saw some boats on the shore of the sea.
    beach  البـلاج ( الجـزء الرملي عنـد حافـة البحـر )
    We sat on the beach and ate ice cream.
    bank  ضفـة النهــر أو القنــاة
    Trees grow along the bank of rivers.

     لاحظ استخدام الاسم بعد حرف الجـر in فيما يلي
    3 metres in height 5 inches in length 5 centimetres in depth
     وفي حالة عدم وجـود حرف جر نستخـدم الصفة
    3 metres high 5 inches long 5 centimetres deep

     لاحظ استخدام المقطع en في بداية أو نهاية بعض الكلمات لتكوين الفعل:
    large كبير enlarge يكبر ـ يضخم courage شجاعة encourage يشجع
    able قادر enable يمكن danger خطر endanger يعرض للخطر
    weak ضعيف weaken يُضعف short قصير shorten يقصر
    broad واسع broaden يوسع length طول lengthen يطول
    wide متسع widen يوسع strong قوى strengthen يقوى
    threat تهديد threaten يهدد hard صلب harden يجعله صلبا
    deep عميق deepen يُعمق ripe ناضج ripen ينضج
    rich ثري ـ غني enrich يثري cheap رخيص cheapen يخفض السعر


    on his first journey في رحلته الأولي instead (of) بدلا من
    the longest- running play مسرحية تُعرض لأطول فترة welcome to مرحباَ (بكم) في
    close to قريب من over a hundred أكثر من مائة
    at a young age في سن صغير be deeply affected by يتأثر تأثرا عميقا بـ
    suffer from يعاني من work on excavation يعمل في التنقيب
    on the coast علي الساحل on (his) way to في طريقه إلي
    at any time في أي وقت save .. from ينقذ .. من
    to everyone's surprise لدهشة الجميع with the help of بمساعدة
    pass on information ينقل معلومات get information about يحصل علي معلومات عن
    suffer from يعانى من deprive of يحرم من
    bring about يسبب / يُحدث come about يًحدث
    catch up with يساير / يواكب keep up with يساير / يواكب
    different from / than / to مختلف عن on the sides of hills علي جوانب التلال
    discover something about يكتشف شيء عن get on يركب (وسيلة مواصلات)
    get off يغادر أو ينزل من وسيلة مواصلات make a plan يعد خطة
    make changes to يُجري تغييرات علي look right for the part يبدو مناسبا للدور
    It is a time of war انه وقت الحرب point down يميل لأسفل
    do ( commit ) a crime يرتكب جريمة transmit message to يبث \يرسل رسالة لـ
    work on ( solve ) a crime يعمل علي حل الجريمة plan for يخطط من أجل
    solve a problem يحل مشكلة set free يطلق سراح
    hidden in مختبئ فى perform a play يمثل مسرحية
    locked in محبوس فى give advice to يعطى النصيحة لـ

    Choose the correct answer:
    1. Working as a secret ……………………… in a foreign country can be a very dangerous job.
    ( doctor – guide – engineer – agent )
    2. In many countries, people have to carry an identity ……………………. to prove who they are.
    ( card – letter – message – postcard )
    3. The Romans …………………… Britain in 43 BCE.
    ( faded – deviated – applied – invaded )
    4. We saw a lot of photographs, but we couldn't …………………… the man we'd met.
    ( qualify – solidify – liquefy – identify )
    5. How did the man …………………….. his innocence?
    ( deprive – improve - prove – devote )

    6. The enemy used radios to ……………………. messages to their ships.
    ( transmit – spend – try – develop )
    7. They ………………….. that the driver had been going very fast at the time of the accident.
    ( inspected – respected - suspected – exerted )
    8. A …………………… is a person you think may have done a crime.
    ( suspect – detective – survivor – surgeon )
    9. A …………………… is equipment that sends radio signals.
    ( counter – interpreter – thermometer – transmitter )
    10. ………………………….. means entering another country to take control.
    ( Deviation – Confusion – Aviation – Invasion )
    11. ………………………. is the place from which a company is controlled.
    ( Headquarters – Headbands – Headlights – Headmasters )
    12. A ……………. is a person who finds out information about another country or organisation.
    ( director – producer – consumer – spy )
    13. ……………………….. is being unable to remember things.
    ( Depression – Amnesia – Fever – Anaemia )
    14. A ……………….. is equipment for catching and killing mice.
    ( trap – trick – truck – mousetrap )
    15. The crime of killing someone is called ………………………. .
    ( blender – border – murder – boiler )
    16. In his later life, he suffered from …………………… . He was unable to remember things.
    ( paralysis – amnesia – cancer – rheumatism )
    17. He tried to kill himself by taking …………………. .
    ( vegetable – fruit – poison – protein )
    18. When the children met the queen, they were too …………………….. to speak.
    ( active – shy – lazy – helpful )
    19. He had lost his ……………………….. card and was being questioned by the police.
    ( honesty – enmity – identity – legality )
    20. She never went to school. ……………………….. she was taught at home.
    ( Included – Instead – Installed – Indebted )
    21. The man's strange behaviour made the police ………………………… of him.
    ( envious – jealous – suspicious – fabulous )
    22. If you …………………… a crime, you must expect to be punished.
    ( do – make – have – act )
    23. He was seriously ………………… by an enemy bullet.
    ( wounded – buried – handed – rammed )
    24. The prisoner will be …………………… free next week.
    ( stay – set – sit – slip )
    25. She's always ………………….. on her neighbours.
    ( trying – dying – crying – spying )
    26. The police found the radio transmitter …………………. in the bathroom.
    ( hide – hiding – hidden to hide )
    27. He stayed in a small hotel ………………… the coast.
    ( on – of – with – in )
    28. He lives in a house …………………… the city centre.
    ( overlooking – looks – like – is overlooking )
    29. He used to …………………… golf with his friends when he was young.
    ( do – do – play – played )
    30. Agatha Christie was the …………………… of English crime fiction.
    ( king – prince – princess – queen )
    31. I remember …………………… the pyramids when I was 10 .
    ( to visit – visiting – visit – visits )
    32. The actors were excellent at …………………… the new play.
    ( perform – performing – writing – write )
    33. …………………… means having no ability to remember.
    ( Insomnia – Architecture – Tiredness – Amnesia )
    34. She is …………………… because she is always nervous and embarrassed.
    ( shy – ashamed – innocent – guilty )
    35. How about …………………… the internet?
    ( surf – surfs – to surf – surfing )
    36. He is a …………………… he has done a crime.
    ( crime – murder – criminal – officer )
    37. He is a …………………… he tries to find out information about another country or organization.
    ( diplomat – ambassador – president – spy )
    38. In many countries , people have to carry an …………………… card to prove who they are.
    ( identity – credit – debit – hobby )
    39. In the past , the Romans …………………… Egypt.
    ( invaded – invasion – flooded – sold )
    40. I and Mona cleaned the house by ……………………
    ( alone – myself – herself – ourselves )
    Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1- We've locked themselves out.
    2- Could you give me a quick exploration of how this machine works?
    3- They chose a famous lawyer to present them in court.
    4- They were arrested as breaking the law.
    5- He had to apologize owing to he made a shameful mistake.
    6- As well as she studied hard, she played tennis regularly.
    7- If he reads the questions carefully, he answers them.
    8- There were no accidents though the dangerous roads.
    9- As soon as seeing the accident, I called the police.
    10- However the box was heavy, he could carry it.
    A) Translate into Arabic:
    It is said that television has destroyed the art of conversation and made people unhappy by forcing them to want things they don’t need. On the other hand, it helps people to update their knowledge of the world affairs., as they can see current events in different parts of the world the moment they occur.

    B) Translate into English :
     يعاني صديقي من فقدان الذاكرة بسبب الحادثة .


    Active & Passive المعلـوم و المجهــــول

    المفعـول + V. to be + التصريف الثالث + by + الفاعـل
    Tense Active Passive
    Present simple المضـارع البسيـط ( am – is – are ) + pp
    Past simple الماضى البسيـط ( was – were ) + pp
    Present continuous المضــارع المستمـر ( am – is – are ) + being + pp
    Past continuous المستمـر الماضى ( was – were ) + being + pp
    Present perfect المضــارع التـام ( have – has ) + been + pp
    Past perfect الماضى التـام had been + pp
    Future simple المستقبـل البسيـط will be + pp
    Future perfect المستقبـل التـام will have been + pp
    Present perfect continuous continuous المضـارع التام المستمر ( have – has) + been + pp المضــارع التـام المستمـر ( have – has ) + been + pp

    Active : The servant keeps the house clean. ( present simple )
    Passive : The house is kept clean by the servant.
    Active : She cleaned the room. ( past simple )
    Passive : The room was cleaned by her.
    Active : They are playing football. ( present continuous )

    : Football is being played by them.

    Active : The gardener was picking the flowers. ( past continuous )
    Passive : The flowers were being picked by the gardener.
    Active : We have built a new house. ( present perfect )
    Passive : A new house has been built by us.
    Active : The teacher had explained the lesson. ( past perfect )
    Passive : The lesson had been explained by the teacher.
    Active : I'll visit Ahmed next week. ( future simple )
    Passive : Ahmed will be visited by me next week.
    Active : By next week I will have finished the report. ( future perfect )
    Passive : By next week the report will have been finished.
    Active : I have been reading this story. ( present perfect continuous )
    Passive : This story has been read by me.

     تحـول التركيبـات الآتيـة فى المبنى للمجهـول كالآتى :

    say - think

    It is + pp مـن هـذه الأفعــال
    know consider

    People announce – report Subject + (be) + pp + to + (inf)

    expect - believe
    claim – allege Subject + (be) + pp + to have + pp الماضى
    understand- deny
    Active : People expect that he will win the Nobel Prize.
    Passive : It is expected that he will win the Nobel Prize.
    : He is expected to win the Nobel Prize.

    Active : People think that he stole the money.
    Passive : It is thought that he stole the money.
    : He is thought to have stolen the money.
    Active People believe that she stole the documents.
    Passive It is believed that she stole the documents.
    It is believed that the documents were stolen.
    She is believed to have stolen the documents.

    Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly
    1- It is been reported that he took the money.
    2- It is know that he can help us.
    3- He is said too be a thief.
    4- She was believed to have steal the car.
    5- It is fear that there are no survivors of the crash.
    6- It was believed that he stole the bank.
    7- It is saying that many people are homeless after the floods.
    8- Money is think to be the root of all evils.
    9- Lamia was said to had gone to Alex..
    10- Lander is said to is a swindler .,
    11- Leila was arrest because the police found a gold rabbit among her clothes.
    12- Cotton grows in Egypt
    13- The job is doing at the moment.
    14- The injured man couldn't walk and his friends had to be carried him.
    15- A new hospital has built near the airport.
    16- Dangerous driving are caused a lot of accidents.
    17- A decision won't be making before the end of the month.
    18- People are not allowing to park here.
    19- All the questions must answer in order.
    20- Our products export to many countries.
    21- She got hurting while cleaning the kitchen.
    22- This painting is going to exhibit at the art gallery.
    23- The man is questioning at the police station at the moment.
    24- This problem should solve soon.
    25- Dr Magdy Yacoub is admiring for his medical achievements.
    26- Mail doesn't deliver mail on Christmas Day.
    27- Mona was severely punishing by her mother.
    28- More money will spent on education.
    29- Tickets can be buy on the day of the concert.
    30- He will be given a prize of the teacher.

    Test 5
    A- Language Functions
    1) Respond to the following situations:
    1. You meet a tourist at the airport. You want to give him a hand.
    2. You meet an old friend after a very long time.
    3. A person you do not know arrives in your school and you want to help him.
    4. You ask an older person about his education.
    2) Supply where these situations take place and who the speakers are:

    1- A: Have you seen Tarek ?
    B: No, sir. He was at his desk on the phone a few minutes ago
    A: Is not he there now?
    B: No, may be he is gone home already.
    A: he can not have gone home. he is preparing a report for me.

    2- A: Is there anything I can do to help, miss Salma?
    B: Could you give these books back to the class after break?
    A: Yes, of course. Is that the homework we did last week?
    B: Yes, that is right. your homework was very good.
    B- Vocabulary and Structure
    3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    1. People have to carry an …………………. card to prove who they are.
    a- identity b- credit c- debit d- hobby
    2. In the past , the Romans ………………… Egypt.
    a- invaded b- invasion c- flooded d- sold
    3. Government employees ………………… at the age of 60.
    a- resign b- retried c- retired d- replay
    4. Israil still occupies the west ………………… .
    a- shore b- bank c- beach d- coast
    5. My brother's house is ……………….. by a nice garden.
    a- included b- containing c- consist d- enclosed
    6. My father traveled to France on a business ……………………. .
    a- trip b- voyage c- picnic d- hike
    7. He was afraid as he was at home ………………. .
    a- lonely b- alone c- only d- own
    8. He is ……………….. to have thought from amnesia.
    a- think b- thinking c- to think d- thought
    9. A famous player ………………… to be hurt in an accident.
    a- is believed b- are believed c- is believing d- are believing
    10. Money ………………….. to bring happiness.
    a- thought b- will think c- has thought d- is thought
    11. It was reported ………………… cancelled.
    a- that the match b- have been c- to have d- that the match was
    12. They are expected ………………….. the cup.
    a- to have won b- that they will win c- to win d- to have been win
    13. My son ……………… to get full marks.
    a- believes b- believed c- is believing d- is believed
    14. It ………………. that money is very important.
    a- can't deny b- can't have denied c- denied d- can't be denied
    15. We don't know where he lives . ……………………….. believed to live in Tanta.
    a- It is b- It was c- He is d- He has
    16. He ………………… to be an intelligent pupil.
    a- considers b- is considered c- has considered d- is considering
    4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1. I went to the cinema to watch the new play.
    2. My father died at the ago of 66.
    3. Excavation means to dig up the ground to find things from the present.
    4. It is been reported that he took the money.
    5. It is know that he can help us.
    6. He is said too be a thief.
    (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
    5) Read the following passage then answer the questions:
    Olive oil has been used by people of the Mediterranean countries, Greece, Italy and Spain for about 4000 years. Many people have realized the healthy benefits of using olive oil instead of other oils. As well as tasting delicious and being the healthiest cooking oil. Olive oil has many other uses such as cosmetics, hair conditioners and soaps. It is a preservative; it keeps fish and cheese fresh for years. Perhaps more important, is olive oil's value as a medicine. Not only can eating olive lowers the risk of serious diseases such as cancer and heart disease, it can also have a healing effect on many stomach disorders and diseases. This could explain why people in the Mediterranean countries tend to live longer. It will make your food taste better and your life last longer.

    A) Answer the following questions:
    1. How can we keep fish last for years?
    2. What is the value of olive oil as a medicine?
    3. Why do the people in the Mediterranean countries tend to live longer?

    B) Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d:
    4. ……….. is one of the Mediterranean countries
    a) Sudan b) Saudi Arabia c) Spain d) England
    5. The underlined pronoun "it" refers to …………
    a) list b) olive oil c) food d) life
    Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
    A young woman is walking to her car in a car park. Suddenly a man jumps out at her from behind. She kicks him and while he's on the floor she jumps into her car and drives away unharmed. When the girl tries to kick the bad man, he grabs her and pulls her off balance and now she's on the floor, defenseless, with nowhere to rum. This little story teaches you two things: never walk alone at night and most importantly, use your brain and not your body to defend yourself against an attacker. Staying safe is all about not putting yourself in a dangerous situation. Avoid attack before it happens by using your common sense. This means walk with confidence; stay in well-lit areas make sure someone always knows where you are, and carry a mobile phone with you all times.

    A) Answer the following questions:
    1. What is the most important lesson you've learnt from the story?
    2. Why shouldn’t you walk alone at night?
    3. Is it very important to carry a mobile phone all times? Why?

    B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    4. The young woman was unharmed because she …………..
    a) was strong b) was weak c) was alone d) didn’t have a mobile
    5. The writer s someone who is trying to make people …………
    a) worried b) safe c) confident d) frightened
    D- The Novel
    7) (A) Answer the following questions:
    1- Where did Dr Hafez think he had met Martin Lander before ?
    2- Why wouldn’t Leila stay in Lima ?
    3- What made Leila suspect the man on the plane (Lander)?

    B) Read following quotation and answer the questions:
    “No, I’m afraid that wasn’t me.”
    1- Who said this to whom?
    2- Who had seen the speaker before ? Where ?
    3- Why did the speaker deny being seen before?

    C) Complete the following sentences :
    1- Martin Lander was an African …………………………………..
    2- Leila did her degree at ……………………………………..…….
    3- he papers which Leila brought to Dr Hafez were about …………………..
    E- Writing
    Cool Write an e-mail to
    … your friend Frank who sent you an e-mail asking you for information about your country Egypt. Tell him about places he could visit, how he can get information about Egypt. Your name is Ahmed.
    F- Translation
    9) A- Translate into Arabic:
    In some poor countries , over twenty percent of the children die in their first year of life . The reason for this is the lack of medical care and medicine. Another cause is food and water shortage .

    B) Translate into English:
     أي جريمة مهما طال اختفائها سوف تنكشف يوما ما.
     كان صديقي هو الناجي الوحيد من الحادث.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الإثنين أبريل 29, 2024 2:42 am