منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

إسلاميات علم ومعرفة ( فلسفة ومنطق + علم نفس وإجتماع+لغة عربية +لغة إنجليزية + لغة فرنسية +تاريخ +جغرافيا + فيزياء + كيمياء + أحياء +رياضيات + إقتصاد وإحصاء +جيولوجيا وعلوم بيئية + مستوى رفيع +أخرى )أخبار برامج ( للكمبيوتر+ النت+ تحميل برامج إسلامية )جديد

المواضيع الأخيرة

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» اقوى مذكرة ادب وورد للصف الاول الثانوى مدعمة بتدريبات الاسئلة بمواصفات جديدة لواضع الاسئلة 2014
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» مذكرة الاستاذ عبدة الجعر مراجعة قصة ابو الفوارس فصل فصل شامل كل الاسئلة الامتحانية بمواصفات 2014
للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit   3 I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 20, 2014 12:04 am من طرف أبويحيى

التبادل الاعلاني

انشاء منتدى مجاني

    للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit 3

    مدير المنتدى أ/أحمد محمد الصغير أحمد

    عدد المساهمات : 300
    تاريخ التسجيل : 15/02/2012
    العمر : 46

    للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit   3 Empty للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit 3

    مُساهمة  أبويحيى الثلاثاء أبريل 10, 2012 11:21 pm

    Hello English 1st Energy 3rd Unit 3


    liquid سائل / في شكل سائل push يدفع / يضغط straight مستقيم / معتدل
    molten منصهر impressed منبهر / متأثر forms of energy أشكال الطاقة
    nuclear نووي blade ريشة المروحة / نصل types = sorts = kinds أنواع
    pipe أنبوب / ينقل بالأنابيب introduction مقدمة save energy يوفر الطاقة
    power station محطة للطاقة introduce يُقدم amount = quantity كمية
    wind turbine توربين أو محرك يعمل بقوة الرياح conclude يستنتج / يختم pollute the environment يلوث البيئة
    coal الفحم materials مواد safe آمن
    renewable متجدد economic problems مشكلات اقتصادية public transport المواصلات العامة
    atomic = nuclear ذري / نووي extremely للغاية sources of energy مصادر الطاقة
    geo- = earth مقطع بمعني الأرض capture يحصل علي / يستولي علي / يأسر workplaces أماكن العمل
    geothermal حراري أرضي springs ينابيع مياه extinction الانقراض
    steam البخار smart car سيارة ذكية gas/petrol station محطة بنزين
    create pollution يسبب تلوث science fiction الخيال العلمي harness يُسخر / يستخدم / يستغل
    sugar cane قصب السكر directions اتجاهات / تعليمات damage ضرر / تلف
    palm trees أشجار النخيل destination جهة الوصول / مقصد lighting الإضاءة
    beans الفول speed bump مطب لتخفيف السرعة thunder الرعد
    diesel زيت الديزل hydroelectric power الطاقة الكهرومائية industry الصناعة
    vehicles مركبات pressure الضغط company = firm شركـة
    straighten يسوي / يمهد atom الذرة tower برج
    sail يبحر fossil fuel وقود حفري introduction مقدمة
    clean energy الطاقة النظيفة generate يوًلد conclusion استنتاج / خاتمة
    split ينشطر waste نفايات / فضلات traditional تقليدي
    recycling إعادة الاستخدام natural gas الغاز الطبيعي extensively علي نطاق واسع
    nuclear power station محطة للطاقة النووية generation توليد / جيل store يُخزن
    alternatives بدائل nuclear power الطاقة النووية lake Nasser بحيرة ناصر
    environmentalists خبراء البيئة thermal = heat حرارة incredible لا يُصدًق
    become extinct يصبح منقرضاَ surface السطح a device جهاز / أداة
    countdown عد تنازلي electricity الكهرباء mass media وسائل الإعلام
    central heating التدفئة المركزية drill يحفر electric bulb مصباح كهربي
    cooking الطهي vegetables خضروات cyclist راكب دراجة
    lightning البرق corn الحبوب fine غرامة / يُغرم
    make achievements يحقق انجازات melting point نقطة الانصهار press agency وكالة أنباء
    developing countries الدول النامية drive machines يُشغل الآلات nuclear disarmament نزع السلاح النووي
    developed countries الدول المتطورة reduce pollution يُقلل التلوث nuclear reactor مفاعل نووي
    press conference مؤتمر صحفي job opportunities فرص عمل nuclear waste النفايات النووية
    under pressure تحت ضغط natural resources موارد طبيعية boiling point نقطة الغليان
    nuclear weapons أسلحة نووية desert reclamation استصلاح الصحراء supply and demand العرض و الطلب
    nuclear fission انشطار نووي an urgent solution to حل عاجل لـ disrupt traffic يُعطل المرور

    Nothing can live without energy. People, animals and plants need energy to live and machines need energy to work. Today, most of the energy we use still comes from fossil fuels like coal oil and gas, which have been formed underground over millions of years. We call these non-renewable forms of energy because they can only be used once. Because of this, we need to reduce our use of non-renewable fuels and use more renewable forms of energy like those from the sun, wind or geothermal energy. For centuries, the wind has been used to sail ships and to pump water. Now it is used to produce electricity. Groups of wind turbines along the Red Sea in Egypt generate large amounts of electricity. Water is also a renewable form of energy. Huge quantities of water go through the High Dam at Aswan from Lake Nasser. This hydroelectric power supplies Egypt with a lot of its electricity. As well as being inexpensive to produce, this clean energy does not pollute the environment .Other countries depend on nuclear power - power produced when atoms split. However, nuclear power produces dangerous waste which must be stored for thousands of years before it is safe. Accidents at nuclear power stations are extremely dangerous to people's health ! to the environment. Energy from the sun is probably the best form of renewable energy. Scientists believe that the sun's energy will last for another five billion years. This energy can now be captured and stored .It is important for us to save energy in our homes and workplaces in order to stop using up non-renewable sources of energy.

    Language Notes

    power force energy
    power  قوة ـ سلطة ـ نفوذ ـ طاقة ـ قوة محركة
    The ship was helpless against the power of the storm.
    The government came into power استلمت السلطة in the year 1952.
    force  قوة ـ قوة عسكرية
    The force of the explosion knocked them to the ground.
    A United Nation force is keeping force in the area. قوة عسكرية منظمة
    force + Obj. + to + inf.  يرغم ـ يجبر
    The floods forced people to leave their homes.
    energy  طاقة
    Oil, wind and sun are sources of energy.

    made in made of made from
    made in  صنـع في
    This car is made in Japan .
    made of  صنـع مـن ( المادة المصنـوع منها ما زالت موجـودة )
    The bag is made of leather .
    made from  صنـع مـن ( المادة المصنـوع منها لم تعـد موجـودة(
    The cake is made from flour

    melt dissolve
    melt  يصهر ـ ينصهر ( بالحرارة )
    The heat has melted the snow.
    dissolve  يذوب ـ يذيب ( فى سائل )
    Dissolve these pills in water.
    molten ( glass - lava – rocks – metals )  منصهر في حرارة عالية جدا مثل الصخور والمعادن مثلا
    Molten rocks rushed out of the well.

    melted ( ice - snow - chocolate)  منصهر في حرارة عادية (يذوب) مثل الشيكولاته والثلج مثلا
    The sun melts the snow and ice.
    smelt  يستخرج المعدن من الخام
    Iron ore خام is smelted in Helwan factory.

    lie lay
    lie lied lied  يقــع
    The house lies on the lake side.
    lie to  يكـذب علـى شخص
    He always lies to his father.
    lie about  يكـذب بخصوص شـئ
    He lies about escaping from school.
    lie lay lain  ينـام ـ يرقـد
    He has lain on the floor.
    lay laid laid  تضـع البيـض يليهـا مفعـول بدون حـرف جـر
    Hens lay eggs.

    provide with provide for
    provide …… with ……  يمد بـ ، يزود بـ
    Who provides him with money?
    provide ……for ……  يوفر
    Who provides money for him ?

    spell spill split
    spell - spelled  يتهـجـى
    Spell your name, please.
    spill - spilt  يسكــب
    Don’t cry over spilt milk.
    split - split  ينشطــر
    Nuclear energy is made by splitting atoms

    run out run out of run on
    run out  ينفذ ـ ينقرض ـ ينتهى ( لا يأتي بعدها مفعول )
    Fossil fuels are going to run out in a few years.
    run out of = finish = used up  ينفذ من ـ ينتهى ـ يستهلك ( يأتى بعدها مفعول )
    We can't drink tea because we ran out of sugar.
    run on  يعمل بــ ـ يدار بــ
    This engine runs on diesel.

    use to use for
    use + object + to + inf  يستخـدم
    We use wood to make furniture . ( use for )
    use + object + for + ( v + ing )  يستخـدم
    We use wood for making furniture .

    other than rather than
    other than  بخــلاف / غيــر
    We should use several sources of energy other than fossil fuels.
    rather than  أفضــل مــن / أكثــر مــن
    Recycling is a way to reuse materials rather than throwing them away.

    other another one of
    other  صفـة يتبعهـا جمـع ) و أحيانا اسم لا يعد( 
    I will visit other countries .
    There was certainly other information.
     في حالة وجود أحد الكلمات الآتية the / some / every / each / many / any / no / (two, three,..) يستخدم بعدها other
    Please, John, bring the other chairs here. I love my son like any other mother does.
    He gave me one book and kept the other one. Ali and three other boys went to the party.

    others  تحل محل ضمير فاعل أو مفعول
    Some people are rich; othersالبعض الأخر are poor.
    Some writers are greater than othersالآخرين .

    another  صفـة يتبعهـا اسـم مفـرد
    I will read another story .
    another ( = one more / a different one )
    This tea is nice. I’d like another cup.
    He lost his job. He’s trying to find another one.

    another + ( few / number : two, three,…. )

    The woman lived for another ten days. I’d like to stay here for another few weeks.
    one of  ما يقـع بعـدها اسم جمع والفعل مفـرد
    One of my friends is a doctor .

    let allow
    let + مفعــول + المصــدر  يسمـح
    I let him go out .
    allow ( permit ) + مفعــول + to + مصـــدر  يسمـح
    I allowed him to go out .
    allow + ( v + ing )  يسمـح
    My father doesn't allow staying up late.

    keep a record of = record  يسجـــل
    You need to keep a record of new words.

    keep + object + ( v + ing ) - adjective  يحافظ على
    The new colour kept the room welcoming.
    I can't keep any one waiting for over two hours.

    find found
    find / found / found  يجد
    Researchers are hoping to find a cure for the disease.
    found / founded / founded  يؤسس
    The town was founded by English settlers.


    pump to the surface يضخ إلي السطح on the earth's surface علي سطح الأرض
    below the earth's surface تحت سطح الأرض in molten form في شكل منصهر
    be connected to متصل بـ come up يصعد لأعلي
    in other ways بطرق أخري turn into يتحول إلي
    do without = dispense with يستغني عن rely on = depend on يعتمد علي
    last for يستمر لمدة dangerous to خطير علي
    instead of بدلا من afford to + inf. لديه ما يكفي من المال لـ
    make use of يستفيد من / يستغل develop new forms of يطور أشكالاَ جديدة من
    do a survey into يقوم بدراسة أو استطلاع رأي في at the weekend في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع
    at a high speed بسرعة عالية be produced from يُنتًج من
    supply .. with يُزود ..بـ go through يمر من خلال
    along the red sea بمحاذاة البحر الأحمر sail ships يُوجه أو يُسير السفن
    generate electricity يُولد الكهرباء take part in يشارك في
    something goes wrong with خطأ أو عطل يحدث في along the motorway علي طول الطريق السريع
    connect to the internet يتصل بالانترنت in this way وبهذه الطريقة
    drive on the road يقود السيارة علي الطريق all over the world
    useful for drivers مفيد للسائقين forward للأمام / يُرسل

    Language Functions
    Asking for information السؤال عن معلومات Giving information إعطاء معلومات
    Excuse me, could I ask you some questions about..? Yes, of course.
    Can / Could you tell me .........? Yes, that's fine..
    Do you know anything about.......? Yes, certainly.
    Does that mean ..........?
    I'd rather not answer that question.
    في حالة عدم الرغبة في الإجابة عن سؤال
    Thank you for your time. You're welcome ( في حالة الرد)
    How do you usually (go to school)? I usually …
    What does "…" mean? It means.. / You can look it up in the dictionary.

    Choose the correct answer:
    1. ………………. energy is a non-renewable energy.
    ( sun - water - coal – geothermal )
    2. Some forms of energy will ………………. forever.
    ( charge - run out - release - last )
    3. Coal, gas and oil are all forms of ………………. energy.
    ( nuclear - natural - renewable - atomic )
    4. When the battery of a solar-powered vehicle runs out, it needs to be ……………….
    ( reproduced - recharged - revised - radiate )
    5. Which ………………. do we get most of our energy from?
    ( resource - reward - recycle - renew )
    6. Its important for us to ………………. the use of energy
    ( increase - recycle - reduce - generate )
    7. Energy………………. living to move about, grow and develop
    ( makes - allows - lets - gives )
    8. Coal, oil and natural gas are all ………………. fuels.
    ( atomic - fossil - nuclear – solar )
    9. ………………. are the decayed remains of animals and plants that died millions of year ago.
    ( layers - fossil - make - atoms )
    10. It takes millions of years ………………. or renew fossil fuels.
    ( to make - making - make - makes )
    11. Fossil fuels are ………………. fuels.
    ( non-renewable - recycled - renewable - recharged )
    12. The world ………………. so much on energy.
    ( thanks - reminds - depends - remains )
    13. We need to find new forms of energy that will never run ……………….
    ( over - into - out - away )
    14. A wind farm is group of ………………. that are used to produce electricity.
    ( fossil - windmills - turbines – winds )
    15. Rubbish is also a ………………. source of energy
    ( renewable - geothermal - non-renewable - nuclear )
    16. The ………………. of dead plants and animals make fossils.
    ( returns - remains - resources – recycles )
    17. I begged her to speak, she ………………. silent.
    ( remained - reminded - removed - remembered )
    18. Our boat was ………………. by high waves.
    ( fueled - watered - rocked - recharged )
    19. The energy for ………………. powered vehicles comes from the sun.
    ( petrol - solar - gas - oil )
    20. For centuries, wind has been used to ………………. ships and pump water.
    ( blow - sail - make - renew )
    21. The wind farm built along the red sea are connected ……………. turbines to generate electricity.
    ( to - for - with – from )
    22. They need to ………………. money for the new project.
    ( rise - arouse - raise - arise )
    23. The energy produced by means of water is called ………………. power.
    ( solar - hydroelectric - nuclear - non-renewable )
    24. One advantage of hydroelectricity is that it is cheap……………….
    ( produce - to produce - producing - produces )
    25. When atoms ………………. enormous amount of energy are released
    ( spilt - spoilt - split - spelt )
    26. Badly ………………. factories and companies make a lot of losses
    ( manager - managed - management - manage )
    27. If an atomic power station ………………. up will cause a lot of damage
    ( brings - sets - blows - exploits )
    28. Solar energy is ………………. to the earth as heat and light
    ( pumped - recycled - generated - radiated )
    29. There is enough nuclear energy in the sun to Keep it ………………. for another 5 billion years.
    ( shines - shining - to shine - shine )
    30. Nuclear energy in the sun is what makes it ……………….
    ( shine - shining - shines - to shine )
    31. To help save energy, buy products made from ………………. material
    ( recharged - radiated - recycled -reduced )
    32. ………………. is a way to reuse paper and glass rather than throwing them away
    ( Returning - Recycling - Restoring - Repeating )
    33. A ………………. site is where waste material is buried under layers of earth
    ( landslide - landfill - landscape - landfall )
    34. ………………. energy is the energy we get from the heat inside the earth
    ( Nuclear - Solar - Hydroelectric - Geothermal )
    35. Molten metal or rock is ………………. because it is very hot.
    ( solid - renewable - hard – liquid )
    36. Please time how long I will take to do 5 ………………. around the playground.
    ( taps - laps - tops - lips )
    37. He had a swim and lay on the sand to ………………. himself.
    ( sun - fuel – moon – hot )
    38. The ……………….of dead plants and animals make fossils.
    ( returns - remains – resources - recycles )
    39. I begged her to speak, she ……………….………………. silent.
    ( remained - reminded - removed - remembered )
    40. Our boat was ………………. by high waves.
    ( fueled - watered - rocked - recharged )
    41. The energy for ………………. powered vehicles comes from the sun.
    ( petrol - solar - gas – oil )
    42. Scientists are now working ………………. ways to use solar power instead of petrol vehicles.
    ( for - at - in - on )
    43. Much electricity ………… in Egypt today comes from the High Dam.
    ( generate - generates - generated - generating )
    44. "Wind farm" in Egypt are used to produce electric ……………. .
    ( force - power - strength - ability )
    45. I decided to spend the summer holiday in Port Said ………….. spending it abroad.
    ( rather than - or rather - rather - would rather )
    Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1- Mona felt tired because she would been working all day.
    2- We were having a meeting this morning when suddenly all the lights were going out.
    3- At the moment my sister trains to be a primary teacher.
    4- Metals are expanding when they are heated.
    5- She does research on plants a few years ago.
    6- I knew him for ten years.
    7- I didn't see the film yet.
    8- What do your do? – I'm reading a story.
    9- The better thing about this job is that it is well-paid.
    10- She felt ashamed because she did a silly mistake.
    A) Translate into Arabic:
    We cannot make real progress unless we use modern technology in all fields of life. In this way we can lead a better life and enjoy welfare and prosperity. We can also keep up with advanced countries.

    B) Translate into English :
     مصـر غنيـة بآثارهـا التى تجذب السيـاح من كل أنحـاء العالم.

    Present Simple

     المضــارع البسيـط :ـ هـو التصريـف الأول للفعــل بإضافة s – es – ies إذا كـان فاعـل الجمـلـة مفـرد غـائـب He – She – It
    أو اسـم مفـرد.
    I play football with my friends. He plays football with his friends.
     نضيـف للفعـل es إذا كان منتهيـاً بــ ss – sh – ch – o – x .
    She goes to school on foot. She passes her exam.
    He washes his car every week. A cat catches mice.
     إذا كان الفعل منتهيـا بحـرف y فيحـول إلى i ثم نضيـف es مـع المفرد الغائب إذا كانت y مسبوقة بحـرف
    سـاكن أمـا و إذا سبـق y حـرف متحـرك فتبقـى كمـا هـي .
    Try tries fly flies study studies

    الكلمـات الدالـة عليـه :ـ
    نادرا rarely غالبا often عادة usually
    أبدا never مرارا ـ تكرارا frequently أحيانا sometimes
    كل every + مدة عامة generally دائما always

     استخـدامــه :ـ يستخــــدم المضـــارع البسيـــط للتعبيـــر عـــن :
     أحـداث متكــررة أو عـــادات
    I get up at six everyday. My father usually goes to work by car.
     حقــائـق أو وصــف
    The Sun rises in the morning. We write English from left to right.

     يستخدم المضارع البسط ( أو المضارع التام ) بعد الروابط الآتية والفعل الثاني يكون مستقبل أو أمر :
    After/ Before/ When / As soon as / the moment /till / until + مضارع بسيط أو مضارع تام
    After I write the letter, I’ll go out.
    She won’t go to the bank until she gets the cheque..
    First she will take some exercise. Then she will use the computer. ( Before )
    Before she uses the computer, she will take some exercise.
     لاحظ أنه يمكن استخدام فعل أمر بدلا من المستقبل البسيط :
    After you finish your work, call me. Before you go to bed, turn off the lights.

     نفـى المضــارع البسيــط :ـ
     ) المصـدر + ( don't مـع فعـل بــدون S .
    I play tennis. I don't play tennis.
    They run. They don't run.
     ( المصـدر + ( doesn't مـع فعـل بــ S .
    He speaks English. He doesn't speak English.
     الكلمـات usually – sometimes – always - often تنفـى بـ never .
    I always get up early. I never get up early.
    She usually watches TV at night. She never watches TV at night.

     لاحـظ مـا يلي :ـ
    = It is someone's habit + to + مصـدر Usually
    = in the habit of + ( v + ing )
    = be used to + ( v + ing )
    It is my habit to get up early. ( usually)
    I usually get up early. ( in )

    I'm in the habit of getting up early. ( used )

    I'm used to getting up early.

     المضــارع البسيــط فى المبنى للمجهول :ـ
    ( am – is – are ) + pp
    Active : The servant keeps the house clean.
    Passive : The house is kept clean by the servant.
    Active : We collect rubbish from the class.

    Passive : Rubbish is collected
    Active : He doesn't eat meat
    Passive : Meat isn't eaten

    Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1. Wood burns for heating
    2. Instead of burning wood , plants and trees grow.
    3. We use active form when it isn't important who does the action.
    4. Holes is drilled into the Earth to find hot water.
    5. In some cities rubbish is burnt to produce fuels.
    6. waste is burnt underground.
    7. The sun rise in the earth.
    8. Our post is delivering every morning.
    9. The food is preparing in that restaurant.
    10. Water are brought to people's houses in plastic bottles.
    11. Heat and light comes from the sun.
    12. We are used petrol in our cars.
    13. Go straight home when the bell ring……………….
    14. He speak two languages.
    15. When is your father go to work every morning?
    16. I'm thinking he is English.
    17. Water is boiling at 100 °C.
    18. He can't speak to you just now. He has a shower.
    19. Is this watch belonging to Ahmed?
    20. Oil finds far beneath the earth.
    21. Are you wanting to speak to him now?
    22. How often is she going to the club?
    23. What is your father doing? –He's an engineer.
    24. Wood uses to make paper.
    25. My office cleans every day.
    26. Where is he coming from? – England.
    27. I am owing him 50 pounds. I'll pay it back next week.
    28. This place rarely visits by anyone.
    29. Things aren't always what they are appeared to be.
    30. When she is meeting him, she will tell him the truth.
    Test 3
    A- Language Functions
    1) Respond to the following situations:
    1. Sameh asks you about your plans for your next weekend.
    2. You're asked about the best way to keep fit.
    3. Farid asks you about the characteristics of a good friend.
    4. You're asked about the importance of sport.
    2) Supply where these situations take place and who the speakers are:
    1- A: Can you show me where I can try this dress on?
    B: The fitting rooms are on the left over there
    A: thank you.

    2- A: How long have you been feeling unwell?
    B: Since Sunday
    A: Well, you need to take one of these tablets 3 times a day.
    B- Vocabulary and Structure
    3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    1. "Nuclear energy" is the powerful force produced when the nucleus of an atom either …………..
    or combines with another atom.
    a-spells b- splits c- spills d- spoils
    2. Rubbish is a cheap sort of …………….….. energy.
    a- nuclear b- non-smoking c- non-renewable d- renewable
    3. When oil …………………., it is pumped to the surface.
    a- find b- found c- is found d- founded
    4. Hydroelectric power does not ……….the atmosphere
    a- purify b- pollinate c- pollute d- promote
    5. Scientists ………to find more sources of renewable energy.
    a- is wanted b- am wanted c- has wanted d- want
    6. We can benefit from newspapers by ………..
    a-a- recycling b- making c- using d- cleaning
    7. My sister ……..at six tomorrow morning.
    a- arrives b- arrived c- has arrived d- was arrived
    8. Windmills are connected to turbines to ………electricity.
    a- motivate b- radiate c- generate d- facilitate
    9. "A hydro-electric station" uses ……………… power to produce electricity.
    a-wind b- coal c- water d- oil
    10. It takes ………………….. of years for fossil fuels to form.
    a-thousands b- hundreds c- millions d- billions
    11. In many parts of the word , wood ………………….. to heat people's homes.
    a- burn b- burns c- is burnt d- are burnt
    12. Sugar cane ………………….. and used to make fuel.
    a- grow b- grows c- grown d- is grown
    13. We ………………….. water to the surface and heat it again.
    a- pump b- pumps c- are pumped d- is pumped
    14. Water ………………….. to the surface and heated again.
    a- pumps b- is pumped c- pump d- are pumped
    15. The tower ………………….. in an open place.
    a– build b- builds c- is building d- is built
    16. ………………….. means using water power to produce electricity.
    a- Wind b- Solar c- Atomic d- Hydroelectric
    4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1. Oil company is searched for oil everywhere
    2. The sun rise in the earth.
    3. The food is preparing in that restaurant.
    4. Water are brought to people's houses in plastic bottles.
    5. Heat and light comes from the sun.
    6. We are used petrol in our cars.

    (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
    5) Read the following passage then answer the questions:
    My advice about learning to drive would be to have proper lessons from a qualified instructor and never to let a friend or family member try to teach you. It's a guaranteed way to spoil a good relationship. Every Sunday, when the traffic was quieter, my father would pick me up and take me for a drive along the streets of our hometown and give me a lecture on how to drive, explaining everything he was doing and why. Eventually it was my turn to have a go. My dad was so nervous that he panicked before I'd even started up the engine. He used to shout at the slightest mistake, and when the lesson was finally over he'd come home and have a large glass of whisky to calm down.

    Answer the following questions:
    1- According to the writer, who is the best person to teach you how to drive?
    2- What do you think about the writer's father?
    3- Find words in the passage which mean:
    a) felt very frightened b) having suitable knowledge, experience or skills

    Choose the correct answer:
    4- The underlined word he refers to ------------------.
    a) the writer b) the instructor c) the writer's father d) the writer's friend
    5- The writer's father used to teach him how to drive --------------------.
    a) once a week b) every Monday c) twice a month d) every day
    6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
    In Egypt, the tourism industry has come to hold a position of great importance lately. It is felt that it could help increase the national income. In some European countries, tourism has brought in millions of dollars yearly, although they lack the natural and historical attractions we have in Egypt.
    We could, for instance, establish tourist villages for children on the Red Sea. We could teach fishing, swimming, diving and sailing there. Another good idea would be a village in the New Valley for horse riding. And what about villages for people with health problems like rheumatism? The warm dry climate of Aswan and Helwan would certainly help them get better.
    Our tourist today wants efficient and friendly service. He would probably prefer to try our samples of our local food rather than to eat the international meals, which are served, in some places.
    It must also be remembered that most tourists nowadays are seldom rich. Many of them are students or hardworking employees. So what is needed is not expensive hotels but clean comfortable places to sleep and eat in at reasonable prices. This, too, would encourage Egyptians to travel more and more around their lovely country.

    A) Answer the following questions:
    1. How could we encourage Egyptians to see more and more of their country?
    2. Why has tourism become very important?
    3. What sort of people did the writer suggest to enjoy our warm dry climate?
    4. What does the underlined pronoun “it” in the first paragraph refer to?

    B) Choose the correct answer:
    5. The writer feels that Egypt has….... the other countries which make much money out of tourism.
    a) less attractions than b) the least attractions of
    c) the same attractions as d) more attractions than
    6. According to the writer, if someone has pains in his muscles and joints, he should go to ………
    a) Europe b) Aswan c) The Red Sea d) The New Valley
    7. Our hotels should be ……………………………….
    a) expensive b) too cheap c) too expensive d) at reasonable prices
    D- The Novel
    7) (A) Answer the following questions:
    1- What did Lander tell Leila about his work?
    2- What made Leila suspect Lander?
    3- Why did Leila study archaeology in Rome?

    B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
    “Yes, of course. They asked about it in Customs.”
    1- Who said this to whom?
    2- What does “it” refer to?
    3- Where did this conversation take place?

    C) Complete the following sentences:
    1- When Lander knew that Leila was an archaeologist, he seemed ………… .
    2- Dr Hafez worked in Luxor in………………….………………………………………… .
    3- The customs let Leila through when …………………………..……………………. .
    E- Writing
    Cool Write a paragraph of seven about:
    " The traffic problem in big cities ".

    F- Translation
    9) A- Translate into Arabic:
    There are many different forms of natural energy that give us light and power in our homes and work. One of these forms is hydroelectric power, which is a renewable source of energy. It's cheap to produce and doesn’t pollute the atmosphere.

    B) Translate into English:
     سوف تدوم بعض مصادر الطاقة مدى الحياة، والبعض الأخر ينفذ قريباً.
     إن الماء مصدر هام للطاقة الكهرومائية فهي رخيصة كما أنها لا تلوث الجو المحيط بنا.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الإثنين أبريل 29, 2024 3:59 pm