منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

إسلاميات علم ومعرفة ( فلسفة ومنطق + علم نفس وإجتماع+لغة عربية +لغة إنجليزية + لغة فرنسية +تاريخ +جغرافيا + فيزياء + كيمياء + أحياء +رياضيات + إقتصاد وإحصاء +جيولوجيا وعلوم بيئية + مستوى رفيع +أخرى )أخبار برامج ( للكمبيوتر+ النت+ تحميل برامج إسلامية )جديد

المواضيع الأخيرة

» مبادئ الفلسفة للصف الاول الثانوى 2018
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» أخبار برشلونى اليوم
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» روابط مشاهدة جميع المباريات بدون تقطيع
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» منج الفلسفة والمنطق لعام 2016 الجديد
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» مذكرة الصف الأول الثانوى الجديد لعام 2015
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» تحميل لعبة كرة القدم pes 2015 مجانا ً وبروابط مباشرة
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» اقوى مذكرة ادب وورد للصف الاول الثانوى مدعمة بتدريبات الاسئلة بمواصفات جديدة لواضع الاسئلة 2014
للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit  2 I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 20, 2014 12:06 am من طرف أبويحيى

» مذكرة الاستاذ عبدة الجعر مراجعة قصة ابو الفوارس فصل فصل شامل كل الاسئلة الامتحانية بمواصفات 2014
للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit  2 I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 20, 2014 12:04 am من طرف أبويحيى

التبادل الاعلاني

انشاء منتدى مجاني

    للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit 2

    مدير المنتدى أ/أحمد محمد الصغير أحمد

    عدد المساهمات : 300
    تاريخ التسجيل : 15/02/2012
    العمر : 46

    للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit  2 Empty للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit 2

    مُساهمة  أبويحيى الثلاثاء أبريل 10, 2012 11:17 pm

    Hello English 1st The Prisoner of Zenda 3rd Unit 2


    prisoner سجين discover يكتشف wealthy غنى
    popular محبوب ـ شعبى well-educated متعلم جيد central مركزى
    activities أنشطة fiction خيال forest غابة
    debate مناظرة fictional خيالى kidnapped اختطف شخص
    immediately فورا publication طبع، نشر married تزوج
    politics السياسة sign إشارة believe يعتقد
    modern languages اللغات الحديثة lawyer محامى entertainment تسلية وترفية
    Athletics العاب القوى novel رواية print يطبع
    alike يشبه architecture الهندسة المعمارية history تاريخ
    attend ينوى ceremony مراسم formal رسمى
    Classics الكلاسيكية occasion مناسبة organized discussion مناقشة منظمة
    couple زوج coronation تتويج، حفلة تتويج ready for مستعد ل
    debate (n) مناظرة castle قلعة educate يتعلم
    escape يهرب publish ينشر education تعليم
    escapist انهزامي publication نشر educated متعلم
    escapism هروب من الواقع publisher ناشر history تاريخ
    realism الواقعية published منشور regular visits زيارات منتظمة
    realise يدرك wealthy غني surprise مفاجئة
    poet شاعر Englishman رجل إنجليزي neighbour جار
    immediately فورا walk through يمشي خلال forget ينسي
    university جامعة identical متطابق / متماثل entertainment تسلية و ترفيه
    plenty وفرة excitedly بشكل مُثار print يطبع
    remain يبقي replace يحل محل / يستبدل ceremony احتفال
    speaker متحدث locked in حُجز في attackers المهاجمون
    athletics الألعاب الرياضية look alike يبدوا متشابه جدا writer كاتب
    attend يحضر as planned كما هو مخطط a teaching job وظيفة التدريس
    the right الحق rescue ينقذ area منطقة
    for ever للأبد die يموت interest اهتمام / تشويق
    finally أخيرا cruel قاسي pounds جنيهات
    find out يكتشف leader القائد architecture الهندسة المعمارية
    ambitious طموح finance المالية forest غابة
    sort of / kind of نوع من adventure stories قصص مغامرة protect يحمي
    pharaoh فرعون solve the problem يحل المشكلة morally أخلاقيا / افتراضيا
    novelist روائي short stories قصص قصيرة tour جولة
    the public الجمهور successful ناجح candidates المرشحون
    heroes أبطال local محلي early life الحياة المبكرة
    heroic deeds أعمال بطولية double efforts يُضاعف الجهود heroic efforts جهود خارقة
    under debate محل مناقشة the vast majority الغالبية العظمي take preventive measures يتخذ إجراءات وقائية
    attend a meeting يُحضر اجتماع news coverage تغطية إخبارية a public library مكتبة عامة
    a historic occasion مناسبة تاريخية public debate مناظرة أو مناقشة عامة compulsory education التعليم الإلزامي
    have much success in يلاقي نجاحا كبيرا في hold a debate يعقد مناظرة classical music الموسيقي الكلاسيكية
    the public opinion الرأي العام attend a conference يَحضر مؤتمر news headlines عناوين الأخبار
    immense هائل at most علي الأكثر guilty مُذنب
    tiny ضئيل at least علي الأقل innocent بريء

    The prisoner of Zenda
    The story takes place in nineteenth-century Europe. Rudolf Rassendyll, a wealthy Englishman, if the cousin of Rudolf Elphberg, who is about to become the new king of Ruritania, a fictional country in central Europe. Rudolf Rassendyll decides to travel to Ruritania to attend the coronation of his cousin, who he has not met before. Soon after he arrives, he is walking through a forest where he meets the future king. The two men of surprised to discover that they are so unlike: they are almost identical twins. The cousins talk excitedly about the coronation.
    However, on the night before the great occasion, Rudolf Elphberg is kidnapped by his younger brother Michael and locked in the castle in the town of Zenda. Although Michael does not have the right to be the next king of the country, he is popular with some of the people of Ruritania. He wants to stop the coronation so that he can become the next king himself.
    Rudolf Rassendyll solves the problem by taking his cousin place. Because the two men look so alike, nobody realizes what is happening and the coronation takes place as planned. While Rudolf Elphberg remains in the castle, Rudolf Rassendyll lives the life of the king and spends time with his cousin’s friends. At the same time, he realizes that he cannot remain the king of Ruritania forever. He decides to rescue Rudolf Elphberg.
    The story ends happily for Elphberg when he finally becomes the new king. Michael dies. Rassendyll says goodbye to his friends and leaves the country. The people of Ruritania never find out what has really happened.

    Language Notes

    kidnap hijack snatch imprison capture arrest
    kidnap = abduct  يخطف شخصا ( طمعا فى فدية )
    Two businessmen were kidnapped by terrorists.
    hijack  يختطف ) عربة ـ طائرة )
    The plane was hijacked by two armed men on a flight from London to Cairo.
    snatch  يخطف شيء من شخص
    She snatched the gun from his hand.
    imprison  يسجن
    They were imprisoned for possession of drugs.
    capture  يأسر ـ يقبض على
    The town was captured by enemy troops after 10 days fighting.
    She was captured at the airport.
    arrest  يلقى القبض على
    He was arrested for shoplifting.سرقة المعروضات

    die of  يموت بسبب مرض أو جوع أو عطش
    He died of cancer.
    die from ( a wound / an injury / a spider bite )  يموت من ( جرح ـ إصابة ـ لدغة عقرب أو عنكبوت )
    He died from the scorpion's bites.
    die out  ينقرض
    Some dangerous animals died out.
    die away  يضمحل ـ يزول
    The sound of their laughter died away.

    decide to + inf  يقـرر
    She decided to go out.
    decide on + noun  يقـرر ـ يحدد
    You have to decide on your goal in life
    decide that + sentence  يقـرر
    He decided that you should attend.

    listen hear
    listen to  ينصت إلي ( سماع بقصد )
    I always listen to the holy Quran in the morning .
    hear  يسمع ( سماع عارض ـ بدون قصد )
    When I was walking in the street I heard someone crying .
    hear from  يتلقى رسالة من
    Have you heard from Ahmed?
    hear of  يسمع أخبار عن ـ يعرف بوجود شخص أو شئ
    She disappeared and was never heard of again.
    hear about  يسمع ـ يتلقى معلومات عن
    You will hear about this later.

    life a life the life
    life  الحيـاة بوجـه عـام ( اسم لا يعـد ولا يسبقـها أداة (
    There is no life on the moon . Life is fun .
    a life – ( lives )  نـوع معيـن مـن حيـاة ( اسم يعـد ) غالبـا يسبقهـا صفـه
    He leads a happy life .
    a life of + اسم غيـر عـاقـل ( lives )
    He leads a life of fun .
    the life of + اسم عـاقـل ( lives )  نـوع معيـن مـن حيـاه ( اسم يعـد (
    What do you know about the life of our prophet ( P B U H ) ?

    famous well-known distinguished eminent notorious infamous
    famous for  مشهـور و تعطـي معني well-known و لكنها اقـوي في المعني و تعني معروف علي مجال واسع
    France is famous for its nice food and perfumes.
    famous as  مشهــــور كـــ
    He is famous as a good doctor.
    well-known  معـروف و لكـن علي نطـاق محـدود postman - doctor - teacher
    The postman is well-known in our village.
    distinguished - eminent  معـروف للأشخـاص المشهـورين باعمالهم العلميـة أو الفنيـة ( مميـز)
    Ernest Hemingway is a distinguished writer. Ahmed Zweail is an eminent scientist.
    notorious  مشهـور و معـروف بشـيء سـيء
    Everyone was talking about the notorious murderer.

    take part in = share in = participate in  يشـارك
    Did you take part in the poetry competition ?
    take place = happen = occur  يحـدث
    When did the accident take place ?
    take the place of = replace  يحـل محـل
    He resigned and I took his place.
    take up much of  يستنـزف كثيـر مـن
    He took much of his money.
    take off  يخلـع – تقلـع
    When I returned home, I took off my coat. The plane took off at ten.
    take over  يتـولى مهمـة
    After his father's death he took over his work.
    take after  يشبـه
    She took her mother completely.

    abroad broad board border
    abroad  الخارج ( خارج حدود بلد ما )
    He worked abroad for five years.
    broad  فسيح ـ عريض ـ عام
    He is tall and broad. The room is broad.
    board  لوحة ( إعلانات ) ـ سبورة
    The exam results went up on the board.
    border  حد بين دولتين
    The border between Egypt and Libya is safe.

    every each
    every  كل ( صفة يأتي بعدها اسم )
    Every student should do his best to get high marks.
    each  كل ( صفة يأتي بعدها اسم أو تحل محل الاسم )
    Every student should do his best to get high marks.
    All friends attended the party, each gave her a present.

    Like look like alike unlike

    like  مثل
    She is not like her sister. = She is different from her sister.

    like  يحب
    She doesn't like her sister. = She hates her sister.
    look like  يشبه
    He looks like his brother.

    alike = like each other  تستخدم بعد الأشياء أو الأشخاص الذين نتحدث عنهم ويسبقها (v. to. be)
    He and his brother are alike.
    unlike  مختلف عن ـ علي العكس من
    Unlike his brother, he is very tall.

    twins couple double pair
    twins  توأم
    They are identical twins.
    a couple  زوجان ( زوج وزوجته )
    Ali and Dina are a new couple.
    a couple of  زوج أو اثنان من نوع واحد ( من نفس الشئ )
    I bought a couple of shirts.
    double  ثنائي / يضاعف
    He can double his profit.
    pair  زوج من شيء لا ينفصل
    What is your opinion of the pair of shoes?

    occasion event accident incident
    occasion  مناسبة
    He gave me a present on the occasion of my birthday
    event  حـدث هــام مميـز
    The 6th of October is one of the great event in our modern history.
    accident  حــادث تصــادم
    He was killed in a car accident.
    incident  حـدث داخــل قصـة
    This story is full of interesting incidents.

    spend time + (v + ing)  يقضي الوقت في
    She spent the afternoon reading a science fiction story.
    spend money on  ينفق المال على
    She spent most of her money on clothes.

    family / team / crew / staff  يمكن أن تكون جمعا أو مفردا
    The home team is winning the match.  إذا كنا نشير إلى الاسم ككل تأتى مفردا
    The team are travelling to their match.  إذا كنا نشير إلى أفراده أو أعضائه تأتى جمعا
     تكون هذه الكلمات دائما جمعا
    police / people / youth / wages
    The police are clever.
     المواد الدراسية والألعاب الرياضية وبعض الكلمات التى لا تعد المنتهية (s - ics) تعامل معاملة المفرد :
    athletics / politics / gymnastics / mathematics /maths / news

    Physics is a difficult subject.
    Gymnastics is very useful.

    classic classical classics
    classic (n)  أثر أدبي خالد ( تعد )
    All of Charles Dickens' novels are classics
    classics (adj)  كلاسيكي / نموذجي / أثر خالد يحتفظ بقيمته لمدة طويلة
    example / mistake / symptom / style / design / films  تستخدم مع المسرحيات و الكتب و تأتي مع
    It was a classic case of bad management (( نموذجي
    My dad likes watching classic films.
    classical  تقليدي (قديم) / موسيقى (كلاسيكية ) / متعلق بدراسة اليونانية أو روما القديمة
    I like classical music to pop or jazz - classical scientific method
    classical architecture - classical symphony - classical composer - classical elegance
    classics  دراسة اليونانية و اللاتينية ( كلمة لا تعد )
    He studied classics at university.

    politics policy
    politics  السياسة ( الخاصة بالدولة ونظام الحكم )
    He was interested in politics and was a good speaker.
    policy  مبدأ أو قاعدة يسير عليها الفرد أو العمل
    Honesty is the best policy.

    hero champion
    hero  بطل ( محارب بارز ـ تاريخي ـ في فيلم ـ مسرحية ـ شخص محبوب لإنجازاته )
    El Sadat was 6th of October war hero. The hero of the novel is a ten-year old boy.
    champion  بطل ( رياضي ـ المدافع عن شخصية أو قضية ـ مقاتل )
    He was a champion of the poor all his life. He was a champion in squash.

    based in  مقـره فـى
    His work is based in Egypt.
    based on  قائـم علـى
    It is a revision based on unit 18


    by then آئذاك / فى هذه الأثناء was locked in a castle حبس في قلعة
    in his free time في وقت فراغه as planned كما كان مخطط
    early life في مقتبل العمر/ الشباب do a lot of good يقوم بالكثير من الأشياء الجيدة
    good speaker in university debate متحدث جيد في مناظرات الجامعة
    almost identical تقريبا متطابقين
    express opinion on / about يعبر عن رأي في have the right to + مصدر له الحق في

    (be) adventure novels روايات المغامرة at the coronation في حفل التتويج
    What was so special about ما الذي يميز take advice from يتقبل النصيحة من
    speaking tour جولة للمناظرة give advice to يعطى نصيحة لـ
    write for
    يكتب في جريدة / مجلة make someone popular يجعل شخص مشهور
    on the night of coronation
    في ليلة التتويج
    make money يكسب مال من
    identical twins توأم متطابق make visits يقوم بعمل زيارات
    live the life of the king يعيش حياة الملك the story ends happily تنتهي القصة بسعادة
    well-known for مشهور (معروف) بـ have plenty of free time لديه الكثير من وقت الفراغ
    special about خاص حول put down يحقر / يضع / يقمع
    be crowned with success يُتَوج بالنجاح lock someone in يحبس شخص في (مكان)
    popular with
    محبوب من look in astonishment ينظر في دهشة واستغراب
    Not in the least = not at all كلا ، علي الإطلاق it made him a lot of money دَرَت عليه الكثير من المال

    Choose the correct answer:
    1. The story is not true , it is -------------------
    ( real – fictional – right – famous )
    2. --------- means the study of the language and history of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
    ( Classic – classical – classify – classics )
    3. My Sister is --------- she had a good education.
    ( good- educated – well – educated – will– educated – well-education )
    4. The book will be --------------next week.
    ( publication – publisher – publish – published )
    5. We had a formal, organized discussion, that means ---------------
    ( conflict – debate – forum – fight )
    6. Escapism is a kind of ---------- that helps people to forget their worries.
    ( fight – discussion – information – entertainment )
    7. He is the main character , he is the ------- of the film.
    ( heroine – hero – herb – director )
    8. He killed the girl and went to ----------------and spent 20 years.
    ( jail – forum – castle – museum )
    9. Antony Hope's story was ------- in 1890.
    ( published – bought – stolen – mended )
    10. Films and books can sometimes help people to ------ from their worries.
    ( escape – suffer – wait – sell )
    11. You can still see a lot of ------ architecture in Greece and Rome.
    ( classical – professional – classics – classes )
    12. He has a lot of money, he is a -------- man.
    ( wealth – poor – healthy – wealthy )
    13. The --------- of Queen Elizabeth took place in 1952.
    ( colonial – organization – permission – coronation )
    14. He doesn't have the right --------- vote in the coming elections.
    ( with – in – of – to )
    15. After finishing school , he went to Oxford University-------- he studied classics.
    ( who – which – when – where )
    16. The --------------- were married later that year.
    ( pair – double – two – couple )
    17. He was interested in--------- and was a good speaker.
    ( political – politician – politics - policy )
    18. The police ---------- chased the suspect.
    ( are – is – were – have )
    19. Mathematics -------------- a very difficult subject for me.
    ( is – are – have been – were )
    20. Tutankhamun died after he fell ------------- his horse.
    ( of – at – in – off )
    21. My brother is very ………. . he went to Cairo University and then Oxford.
    ( well-known - ignorant - well-educated – illiterate )
    22. We’re having a ….... At school next week about ways of reducing global warming.
    ( debit - debate - debt – debase )
    23. For some people, reading and watching films are forms of ……….
    ( escape - escaping – escapist – escapism )
    24. In the past, English children studied …… at school. Now most schools teach modern languages.
    ( classic - classics - class – classical )
    25. Oliver Twist is the ……….... hero of one of Charles Dickens’ most famous novels.
    ( fictional - fiction - fictions - fictionalize )
    26. The Prisoner of Zenda was ready for …… a few months after Anthony Hope thought of the idea.
    ( publish - publisher - published – publication )
    27. Although everyone in my family works very hard. We are not a …………. Family.
    ( poor - needy - penniless – wealthy )
    28. The ………… of Queen Elizabeth II took place in 1952.
    ( corridor - corporation - coronation – correlation )
    29. It was a fantastic ………….. which millions of people went to London to watch.
    ( occasion - occasionally – occidental - occasional )
    30. Nobody has the ………… to steal things from other people.
    ( write - right – righteous – rightful )
    31. Some twins are more …………. than others.
    ( like - likely - alike – liking )
    32. …………. is a large strong building to protect people from attack.
    ( Temple - Museum - Tower – Castle )
    33. He is a very famous poet. He wrote many fantastic ………….. .
    ( prose - verse - novels - poems )
    34. He was interested in …………. and was a good speaker in university debates.
    ( politician - diplomat - ambassador – politics )
    35. The two men were surprised when they discovered, they are almost ……….. twins.
    ( different - divergent – identical – diverse )
    36. The thieves ………….. Ali’s son and asked him some money.
    ( hijacked - washed - stole – kidnapped )
    37. No one realises what is happening and the coronation takes place …………….. .
    ( planned as - as planning - planning as - as planned )
    38. The story ends ……… for the hero when he finally becomes the new king.
    ( happy - happier - happily – happiest )
    39. The people never find ……….. what has really happedned.
    ( out - away - in – over )
    40. You can still see a lot of ………… architecture in Greece and Rome.
    ( classic – classics - class – classical )

    Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1- While he does his homework, his friend arrived.
    2- Before she did research on new treatments, she works as a surgeon.
    3- My brother has a difficult decision to do next week.
    4- He isn't finishing the job yet.
    5- When the company needs people to speak for it at a meeting, it can send a relation.
    6- Both my parents are tired. They no longer work.
    7- What did you do since the weekend?
    8- When would you start to learn English? – Two years ago.
    9- I want to be a doctor since I was ten.
    10- When I was eight. I have seen a programme about a famous doctor on TV.
    A) Translate into Arabic:
    Great efforts have been made towards equality between men and women. Women demand equal pay for equal work. Although women have gained many of their rights, they still have a long way for complete equality.

    B) Translate into English :
     هل تميل أحيانا إلى الهروب من الواقع لتتغلب على مشاكلك ؟

    Countable and uncountable nouns

    Countable nouns  الأسمـاء التى تعــد
     الاسـم الذى يعـد له مفـرد وله جمـع ويأخـذ ( a - an ) فـى المفـرد وتحـذفان فى الجمـع .
    a book books an egg eggs
     ويمكـن استخدام هـذه الكلمـات مـع الاسم الذي يعـد .
    ( some – any – a lot of - many – few )
    A lot of books – a few pens – many pounds – some shirts – any stories )
    Uncountable nouns  الأسمـاء التي لا تعــد
     الاسـم الذى لا يعـد لا يمكـن عـده ولا يأخـذ ( a - an ) فـى المفـرد .
    water - money - music - bread - luggage - baggage - news - information - oil ….
     ويمكـن استخدام هـذه الكلمـات مـع الاسـم الذي لا يعـد .
    ( a lot of – much – little – some – any )
    A lot of information – some money – little water – much milk – any news
     والأسمـاء التي لا تعـد تشمـل
    Abstract nouns الأسمـاء المجـردة

    experience - freedom - pity- advice - luck - honesty - hope - beauty - help- beauty -love - hatred

    confidence – courage – enjoyment – progress - evidence – patience – peace – poverty …..
    Materials أسمـاء المـواد عنـدما تستخـدم بوجـه عـام
    gold - wood - coffee - tea - paper - iron - glass - stone ………….
    School subjects المواد الدراسية
    history - physics - chemistry - biology - geography – psychology- mathematics
    Fluids السوائل
    water – coffee – oil - milk – soup - blood
    Sports الرياضات
    tennis – football - hockey - volleyball - swimming - squash - athletics - gymnastics

    Gases الغازات
    oxygen – hydrogen – nitrogen - ammonia - carbon dioxide
    Languages اللغات
    English – Arabic – French – Italian – Spanish - German
    Different activities الأنشطة المختلفة
    reading – smoking - writing - studying - shopping - eating
    Natural phenomena الظواهر الطبيعية
    lightning – heat – snow – thunder – light - rain
    Meals الوجبات
    breakfast – lunch – dinner – supper
    Other nouns أسماء أخرى
    equipment – furniture – cash – work – clothing – electricity - news - traffic - baggage - hair
    machinery – clothing – jewellery – luggage - money - furniture - material - laughter - rubbish
    macaroni - rice …….
     بعض الكلمات التي لا تُعد يمكن أن تسبقها الأداة a/an إذا جاءت قبلها الصفة:
    She completed her education in 1995. She had a good education.

    We usually have lunch at 2.00 pm. We had a wonderful lunch at a big restaurant yesterday.

     الأسمـاء الآتيـة لا تعـد ودائمـا جمـع وليس لهـا مفـرد
    police, youth, clothes, wages ………….
    The youth are the hope of the nation.
    يمكـن تحــويــل الأسمـاء التي لا تـعـد إلى أسمـاء تـعـد كالآتي :  ملحوظـة
    باستخــدام ( bit - piece ) كـألفـاظ تجـزئـة عـامـه وفى الجمـع ( bits - pieces ) .
    I'd like a piece ( a bit ) of cloth / bread. I'd like two pieces ( bits ) of cloth / bread.
     باستخـدام ألفاظ تجـزئـة لتشيـر إلى كميـات أكثر تحـديـدا وتستخـدم مـع بعـض الكلمـات ولا تستخـدم مـع غيـرهـا مثـل :
    a sheet - a loaf - a bottle - a slice - a cup - a pair - a bar - a jar
    a sheet of paper – a loaf of bread – a slice of meat – a pair of shoes – a cup of tea
    a bar of chocolate – a jar of jam ….
     وعنـد الجمـع نجمـع لفـظ التجـزئـة ولا نجمـع اسـم المـادة .
    two sheets of paper- two pairs of shoes – two jars of jam – two loaves of bread- two slices of meat
    three pairs of shoes – six bars of chocolate – five cups of tea
    بعـض الأسمـاء يمكـن أن تعـد أو لا تعـد حسـب المعـنى مثـل .  ملحوظـة
    paper – glass – coffee – time - cold - light - orange - iron - chicken - hair

    I’d like some writing paper.  (ورق الكتابة - لا يعد )
    I’m going to buy a paper. (= a newspaper)  جريدة
    The window’s made of unbreakable glass.  ( الزجاج - لا يعد )
    Would you like a glass of water?  كوب
    Have you got any coffee?  قهوة ( مشروب )
    Could I have two coffees? (cups of coffee)  فنجان أو كوب من القهوة
    Don’t hurry. There’s plenty of time.  الوقت
    He went to London three times.  مرات
    Don’t go out in the cold without a coat.  البرد عموما
    I’ve got a bad cold.  نزلة برد
    There are two oranges on the table.  برتقال
    I don't like orange. I prefer red.  اللون البرتقالى

    This table is made of iron.  الحديد (لا يعد)
    She bought an iron yesterday.  مكواة
    Do you like chicken? ( = chicken meat )  لحم الدجاج
    I'd like to buy a chicken.  دجاجة
    The sun gives us light  الضوء / لا تُعد
    We need two lights in this room.  مصباح كهربي
    My hair is short.  الشعر
    I see two hairs on your jacket.  شعر
     بعض الكلمات التي تُشير إلي مجموعات يمكن أن يُستخدم معها فعل مفرد أو جمع:
    Team / committee / family / class / army / company / couple / crew / crowd / gang / group / navy /
    population / staff / university
    The home team is winning the match.  هنا الكلام عن الفريق كوحدة واحدة
    The team are travelling tonight to their next match.  هنا نقصد الفريق كأفراد
     العبارات الدالة علي الكمية و المبالغ المالية والزمن و الثمن و المسافة و الوزن ودرجات الحرارة تُعامل معاملة المفرد مع الفعل:
    Ten million pounds is a lot of money.
    Fifty litres of petrol fills my car.
    Five kilometres is a long way to walk.
    Two hours is a long time to wait.
    Fifty degrees is a very high temperature.
     ولكن لاحظ أننا نقول:
    Three one-pound coins are on the desk.  ثلاث عملات معدنية من فئة الجنيه
     بعض الأسماء التى لا تعد المنتهية بحرف s يُستخدم معها دائما فعل مفرد:
    Athletics / politics / gymnastics / mathematics / maths / news / economics / statistics /
    physics / genetics / classics / electronics
    Politics was my best subject at university. Athletics is my favourite sport.

    a lot of – many – much – a few – few – a little - little
     تأتى قبـل اسـم يعـد أو اسم لا يعـد فى جملـة خبـريـة مثبتـة . a lot of
    I have got a lot of friends. I have got a lot of money.
     تأتى قبـل اسـم يعـد فى النفي و الاستفهام . Many
    I haven't got many friends. Have you got many friends ?
     تأتى قبـل اسـم لا يعـد فى النفي و الاستفهام . much
    I haven't got much money. Have you got much money ?

     تأتى قبـل اسـم يعـد وتشـير إلى عـدد قليـل ولكـن يكـفـى . a few

    I have a few pounds. ( enough )
     تأتى قبـل اسـم يعـد وتشـير إلى عـدد قليـل ولا يكـفى . few
    I have few pounds. ( not enough )
     تأتى قبـل اسـم لا يعـد وتشـير إلى كميـة قليـلة ولكـن تكـفـى . a little
    I drank a little water. ( enough )
     تأتى قبـل اسـم لا يعـد وتشـير إلى كميـة قليـلة ولا يكفـى . little
    I drank little water. ( not enough )

     ملحوظـة تـأتى ( many - much ) في جملـة خبـريـه في الحـالات الآتية :
     مـع much إذا سبقها ( so - very - as - too ) much
    There is so much milk.

     مـع many إذا سبقها ( so – as – too - a good - a great ) many
    There are too many books in the bag.
    The milk was so much that I drank two cups. ( such … )
    It was such a lot of milk that I drank two cups.

    Some – Any - No
     تأتـى قبـل اسـم يعـد أو اسـم لا يعـد فى جملـة خبـريـة مثبتـة و فى سؤالي العـرض والطـلـب . Some
     اســم يعــد My mother knows some good stories.

     اســم لا يعــد I drank some water.
     عــرض Would you like some tea ?
     طـلـب Can I have some of these apples ?
     تأتـى قبـل اسـم يعـد أو اسم لا يعـد فى جملـة استفهـاميـة أو منفـيـة . Any
     اســم يعــد I don't want any stamps
     اســم لا يعــد I didn't drink any milk.
     تستخــدم لنفـى some مـع نفـى الفعـل .
    I bought some books. I didn't buy any books.

    She has some money. She doesn't have any money.
     تأتـى مـع الكـلمـات الدالـة علـى النفـى مثـل :
     hardly – scarcely – seldom – never – without – refuse – too …….. to
    He never had any luck. We hardly had any money.
     تستخـدم مـع If الدالـة والمعبـرة عـن الشـك .
    If you need any thing, just ask.
    If anyone has any questions, I'll be pleased to answer them.
     تأتـى فـى الجمـل المنفيـة عنـدمـا يكـون الفعـل مثبتـا . No
    There were no shops open. I have no money.
     تستخــدم لنفـى some مـع فعـل مثبـت وتسـاوى not …… any .
    She has some money. She has no money.
    I bought some books. I bought no books.

    She has some money. She has no money.

    Choose the correct answer
    1. I drink a …………. of water every morning .
    ( glass – bag – tube - packet )
    2. I have ……….. pens . I don't need any more .
    ( a little – little - a few – few )
    3. I don't have ………………. time left .
    ( many - some - much – few )
    4. will you bring me …………. sugar ?
    ( any - some - few - a lot )
    5. Egypt has……………. natural resources .
    ( little - few - a lot of - a little )
    6. I take a……………….. of honey every morning .
    ( jar - tube – glass - spoonful )
    7. He hasn't got ……………furniture in his house .
    ( a lot of – some – any – many )
    8. There are …………….. books on the shelf . They are not enough .
    ( many- few - a lot of - any)
    9. He needs ……………. bread to make a sandwich .
    ( a few - a lot of - a loaf of – many )
    10. All the news ………….good .
    ( are – were - have been – is )
    11. I have…………… CDs . I need some more .
    ( little - a little - a few- few )
    12. The luggage …………..labelled.
    ( are- is - are being - have been )
    13. She eats just one …………… of meat everyday .
    ( slice - lump - kilo - packet )
    14. My brother has ………………..experience , so he didn't get the job .
    ( a little - a few - little - few )
    15. The attack on the shop caused ……….damage
    ( a few - many - a lot of - few )
    16. Are there ………………. biscuits left ?
    ( some – an - any - a )
    17. How ……………… people are there in the team?
    ( many – much – little - more)
    18. Thirty pounds ……………….. a lot of money for a five – year – old wallet.
    ( is - are - were - have been )
    19. The trousers you bought for me ……………….. fit me.
    ( doesn't - don't - isn't - hasn't )
    20. The police ……………… to interview two men about the robbery .
    ( want – wants - has wanted - is wanted )
    21. Can I borrow you scissors ? Mine ………………….. sharp enough.
    ( isn't - aren't - doesn't - don't )
    22. I can't find my binoculars تلسكوب . Do you know where …………………. ?
    ( it is - they are - it was - was it )
    23. There are too ……………. people on the ship , it is going to sink.
    ( much- little – more – many )
    24. Dou you think the people…………….. happy with the government?
    ( are - was - is - has been )
    25. …………… the police know how the accident happened?
    ( Does – Is - was – Do )
    Find the mistakes and write the sentence correctly :
    1. After left university, he worked as a lawyer.
    2. Our luggage are searched carefully.
    3. They are nice person
    4. Much people don't have enough to eat
    5. This socks are fine
    6. Athletics are important.
    7. She has got a little books.
    8. How much clothes have you bought?
    9. He went to a schools in the village.
    10. The Egyptian teams is very clever.
    11. How much coffees have you drink today?.
    12. Do we have a rice left?
    13. How many money do you need for your holiday?
    14. Fifty degrees are a very high temperature
    15. Athletics were my father's favourite sport
    16. The team usually plays very well.
    17. Rice are very little.
    18. How much people are there in your team?
    19. One of the players in the team are very tall.
    20. The Egyptian teams is very clever.
    Test 2
    A- Language Functions
    1) Respond to the following situations:
    1. You're asked why you admire Dr. Magdi Yacoub.
    2. A friend asks you what you would like to be after leaving school.
    3. Salem wants to know the best thing about your school.
    4. You're asked why you'd like to be a civil engineer.
    2) Supply where these situations take place and who the speakers are:
    1- A: Can I help you ?
    B: Yes, I like to book a double room for a week. How much is it?
    A: It’s 50 pounds per night.

    2- A: What’s wrong with you?
    B: I have a headache.
    A: Take these tablets three times a day.
    B- Vocabulary and Structure
    3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    1. Films and books can sometimes help people to ……….. from their worries.
    a- escape b- escaping c- escapist d- escapism
    2. Anthony Hope’s first novel was …………. in 1890.
    a- publish b- publishing c- published d- publication
    3. Novels are usually works of …………., but they are often based on real life.
    a- fictional b- fictionalize c- fictions d- fiction
    4. The Prisoner of Zenda ………. Hope a lot of money.
    a- took b- made c- let d- did
    5. The king was kidnapped and ……………. in the castle.
    a- looked b- booked c- blocked d- locked
    6. My sister had a good …………. . She went one of the best universities.
    a- educating b- education c- educate d- well-educated
    7. People believe he died after he fell ……….. his horse.
    a- of b- with c- from d- off
    8. Zenda is the town ………. Elphberg is locked in the castle.
    a- which b- where c- what d- that
    9. Three days ……………………. long enough for a good holiday.
    a- weren't c- aren't c- haven't been d- isn't
    10. Fortunately the news ………………….. as bad as we expected.
    a- wasn't b-weren't c- haven't been d- don't
    11. I don't have ……………… furniture.
    a- many b- much c- some d- a lot of
    12. Did you bring ………………… oil.
    a- any b- some c- an d- a
    13. I have a new ………………….. of shoes.
    a- couple b- double c- twin d- pair
    14. Dou you think the people --------- happy with the government?
    a- are b- was c- is d- has been
    15. --------- the police know how the accident happened?
    a- Does b- Is c- was d- Do
    16. Money ----------- the root of all evils.
    a- are b- have been c- has d- is
    4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1. Hope wrote short stories to magazines.
    2. The amazing thing about this book was how quick he wrote it.
    3. Is a fiction story true or invented?
    4. Our luggage are searched carefully.
    5. Much people don't have enough to eat.
    6. Athletics are important.
    (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
    5) Read the following passage then answer the questions:
    Did you think of money? Is it important to us or not ? Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, summed up the four chief qualities of money some 2000 years ago. It must be lasting and easy to recognize, to divide, and to carry. This means it must be, “ durable, distinct, divisible and portable ? “. When we think of money today, We picture it either as round, flat pieces of metal, which we call coins or as printed paper notes. But there are still parts of the world today where coins and notes are of no use .They will buy nothing, and a traveller might starve if he had none of the particular local “ money “ to exchange for food .Among isolated people, who are nooften reached by traders from outside commerce usually means barter . This is a direct exchange for pots, baskets, or other manufactured goods. For this kind of trading, money is not needed, but there is often something that everyone wants and everybody can use, such as salt to flavour food, shells for ornaments, or iron and copper to make into tools and vessels. These things :Salt, shells or metals are still used as money in some primitive parts of the world today.

    A) Answer the following questions :
    1. Which of the four qualities of money, do you think, is the most essential?
    2. How would you describe money at present ?
    3. What does the underlined word ( barter ) mean ?
    4. Give a suitable title for the passage ?

    B) Choose the correct answer :
    5. In some isolated parts of the world money is …………………….
    a) needed for trading b) not needed for trading
    c) needed for buying thing d) wanted as coins or paper notes
    6. In some parts of the world today where coins and notes are of no use we can………………
    a) exchange goods b) use local money only
    c) use any other money d) buy nothing
    7. According to the passage, everyone in the isolated parts needs ……………………
    a) only salt to flavour food b) iron and copper to make into tools
    c) salt , shells , iron and copper d) tools and vessels
    6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
    In 1961, John Kennedy became president رئيس. The world was then introduced to his beautiful wife Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy. She was intelligent, graceful رشيقة, and beautiful. Americans and the world fell in love with her.
    She was born Jacqueline Lee Bouvier in 1929. She lived in New York City and East Hampton, Long Island. She loved riding horses and had lessons at a very early age. She went to private schools. Her interests were writing poems and stories, ballet الباليه, and drawing.
    Jacqueline traveled all over the world. She became a photographer for a Washington D.C. newspaper and soon met Senator John Kennedy. She married John Kennedy in 1953. They had two children, Caroline, and John Jr., who was born just before John Kennedy became president in 1960. The family moved into the White House. They had another child Patrick, who was born prematurely قبل الأوان and died. A president's wife is called the First Lady. As First Lady, Jackie promoted the “arts”. She introduced the world to the White House by conducting tours for visitors. She had many responsibilities, but her children always were her top priority الأولوية.
    Tragedy مأساة struck حلت with the assassination اغتيال of President Kennedy. Jacqueline Kennedy had to care for her children alone. She moved to New York City. She protected the children from all the publicity عَلَنيّة. She wanted as much privacy خصوصية as possible, but the people and press always wanted to know about her life.
    She married Aristotle Onassis in 1968 and lived in Greece. After his death she moved back to New York City and was the editor محررة for Doubleday. She died in 1994. She is remembered for her grace and beauty, her love of words and her family.

    A. Answer the following questions:
    1. When did Jacqueline marry John Kennedy?
    2. What did Jacqueline do after John Kennedy’s assassination?
    3. Where did Jacqueline live when she married Onassis?
    4. Why is Jacqueline Kennedy remembered?

    B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    5. Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis was born in……………………..
    a) 1964 b) 1929 c) 1953 d) none of these
    6. Jacqueline’s interests were……………………………….
    a) riding horses b) writing c) ballet d) all of these
    7. As first lady, Jacqueline’s first priority was………………………
    a) riding horses b) the arts c) her children d) the American people

    D- The Novel
    7) (A) Answer the following questions:
    1. What did Leila take with her when she travelled to Peru?
    2. What memories did Leila have in Peru?
    3. What was amazing about the Incas?

    B) Read the following quotation. then answer the questions
    “I have never been to South America before.”
    1. Who said this to whom?
    2. Why was the speaker going to South America?
    3. What were the speaker’s feelings about flying?

    c) Complete the following sentences:
    1. Researchers in Cairo were so clever that …………………………………………..
    2. Leila realized that she was in Cairo when ………………………………………….
    3. The Incas were tough because ………………………………………………………..
    E- Writing
    Cool Write a reply to the following letter :
    Your name is Nader and you live at 16 Ahmed Saed Street Abbassia, Cairo.

    Dear Nader,
    How nice to write to you gain after so long. I have finished my final exams. Now I’m free.
    I’m thinking of going to Gamasa this year. What about you ? Please, tell me about your plans for the summer holiday. Please write soon.
    F- Translation
    9) A- Translate into Arabic:
    Escapism stories are stories that make us to forget about our worries and troubles. They take us to the world of imagination and thinking. the are the same as fictional stories that are not real or true.

    B) Translate into English:
     السجن هو المكان الذى يحبس فيه المجرمون ومرتكبو الجرائم.
     القصة رائعة جدا لدرجة أني لا أستطيع أن أضعها جانباً.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الإثنين أبريل 29, 2024 5:54 pm