منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

إسلاميات علم ومعرفة ( فلسفة ومنطق + علم نفس وإجتماع+لغة عربية +لغة إنجليزية + لغة فرنسية +تاريخ +جغرافيا + فيزياء + كيمياء + أحياء +رياضيات + إقتصاد وإحصاء +جيولوجيا وعلوم بيئية + مستوى رفيع +أخرى )أخبار برامج ( للكمبيوتر+ النت+ تحميل برامج إسلامية )جديد

المواضيع الأخيرة

» مبادئ الفلسفة للصف الاول الثانوى 2018
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» منج الفلسفة والمنطق لعام 2016 الجديد
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» مذكرة الصف الأول الثانوى الجديد لعام 2015
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» تحميل لعبة كرة القدم pes 2015 مجانا ً وبروابط مباشرة
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» اقوى مذكرة ادب وورد للصف الاول الثانوى مدعمة بتدريبات الاسئلة بمواصفات جديدة لواضع الاسئلة 2014
للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit  9 I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 20, 2014 12:06 am من طرف أبويحيى

» مذكرة الاستاذ عبدة الجعر مراجعة قصة ابو الفوارس فصل فصل شامل كل الاسئلة الامتحانية بمواصفات 2014
للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit  9 I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 20, 2014 12:04 am من طرف أبويحيى

التبادل الاعلاني

انشاء منتدى مجاني

    للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit 9

    مدير المنتدى أ/أحمد محمد الصغير أحمد

    عدد المساهمات : 300
    تاريخ التسجيل : 15/02/2012
    العمر : 46

    للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit  9 Empty للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit 9

    مُساهمة  أبويحيى الثلاثاء أبريل 10, 2012 11:53 pm

    Hello English 1st The Power of nature 3rd Unit 9


    power قوة cause يسبب look straight ينظر مباشرة
    powerful قوى common عام sunglasses نظارة شمس
    force إرغام northern شمالى sight البصر ـ منظر ـ رؤية
    strength القوة southern جنوبى protective واقى
    nature الطبيعة occur يحدث float
    natural طبيعى phenomenon ظواهر experts
    eclipse الكسوف earthquake
    زلزال drown
    solar eclipse كسوف الشمس erupt
    يثور - ينفجر violent
    lunar eclipse خسوف القمر economy
    اقتصاد beneath
    clips مشبك giant عملاق flood
    permanently بطريقة دائمة ball كرة - حفلة راقصة sandstorm عاصفة
    predictions تنبؤات as far as بقدر ما tornado
    weather الطقس surface سطح الأرض heat waves
    موجة حارة
    forecast يتنبأ بالطقس degree centigrade درجة مئوية geothermal energy
    حرارة باطن الأرض
    waves أمواج ultraviolet rays أشعة فوق بنفسجية roughly
    absorb يمتص infrared rays أشعة تحت الحمراء landscape
    منظر طبيعى
    harmful ضار absorbed in تم امتصاصه tides المد و الجزر
    floods فيضانات take in يمتص wind blow
    تهب للرياح
    wind rest مستقر الرياح inhale يستنشق rainfall ممطر
    skin جلد soak up يمتص storm chasers متتبعو العواصف
    damage تلف ـ خسارة geyser نافورة ـ عين ماء follow يتبع
    planet كوكب waves أمواج rivers أنهار
    clouds سحب distance مسافة freeze يجمد
    definitely بالتأكيد temperature درجة حرارة depend on يعتمد على
    area منطقة atmosphere الغلاف الجوى period فترة
    explanation تفسير rays أشعة float يطفو
    electric storm عاصفة كهربائية surface سطح weather الطقس
    drought الجفاف safely بأمان forecast النشرة الجوية
    lightning البرق hole فتحة ـ ثقب recent years السنوات الأخيرة
    thunder الرعد go rise يرتفع giant عملاق
    volcano بركان a clear night ليلة صافية experts خبراء
    earthquake زلزال ice age العصر الجليدى port ميناء

    Unusual weather
    For most people, the word weather means that Sun, rain, wind or snow. If you live in southern Europe or Africa, you know that temperatures are higher and there is less rain than if you live in northern Europe or Canada. It is unusual for a weather forecast to surprise us. However, strange weather can occur all over the world. For example, people have seen giant pieces of ice falling from the sky. And what would you think if you saw a ball of light as big as a football on a plane, or floating through your home? Weather experts called these ball lightning.
    Some storms are very unusual and may cause terrible damage. The English town of Dunwich was once an important port, but in the fourteenth century, high waves and violent storms hit the area and most of the town disappeared beneath the sea. The worst storm in Britain, in 1703, killed more than 8000 people. The worst flood in history was in 1887 in China when the Yellow River flooded and killed around a million people.
    Unusual weather is becoming more common, with very high or low temperatures and very heavy rainfall all over the world. This causes serious droughts in some places and floods in others. However, this is not a modern phenomenon: in Europe in the eighteenth century, there was a Little Ice Age when rivers like the River Thames in England froze. What will happen to our weather in the future? No one really knows, but one day ‘unusual’ weather may not be unusual anymore.

    Language Notes

    How What
    How + (adjective)  يأتى بعدها الصفـة
    How old is the tree?
    What + ( noun )  يأتى بعدها الاسم
    What age is the tree?

    any more no longer
    any more  لم يعد )يأتى الفعل معها فى النفى )
    He no longer smokes .
    no longer  لم يعد )يأتى الفعل معها فى الإثبات )
    He doesn't smoke any more.

    weather climate atmosphere
    weather  الطـقس :ـ حالـة الجـو مـن مطـر و ريـاح و ثلـوج في فتـرة معينــة
    What will the weather be like tomorrow ?
    What was the weather like yesterday?
    climate  المنـاخ :ـ حالـة الطقـس في مكـان محـدد
    The climate of Egypt is fine all the year round.

    atmosphere  الغـلاف الجـوي :ـ مـا يحيـط الأرض أو المكـان
    Atmosphere is the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth.

    sink drown
    sink  يغرق ـ يُغرق ( عادة للسفن و القوارب )
    The ship sank to the bottom of the ocean. The big blue whale sank the fishing boat.
    sink  يقل ـ ينخفض
    The Egyptian pound has sunk to its lowest level against the dollar.
    drown  يغرق ( عادة للأشخاص )
    Two boys drowned while they were swimming.

    sight sights
    sight  حاسة البصر
    Taha Hussein lost his sight at a very early age.
    sight  رؤيـة ـ منظـر عابـر
    I can't understand his sight. A man carrying a goat is a sight
    sights  معـالـم سيـاحيـة
    Tourists come to Egypt to see our sights.

    temporary permanent
    temporary  مؤقت
    He tries to find a temporary job during the summer holiday.
    permanent  دائم
    Their stay is not temporary , it is permanent.

    soak in soak up
    soak in  ينقــــع
    To get these stains out of you shirt, you have to soak it in hot water
    soak up = absorb in  يمتـــص ـ يشـــرب
    Mother put a cloth on the floor to soak up water.

    afraid of (N or (v + ing)  خائف من شئ
    He is afraid of snakes. He is afraid of arriving late
    afraid for (N)  خائف على شخص
    She is afraid for her children.
    afraid to +( inf)  خائف أن بعدها مصدر
    He is afraid to swim in the rough sea.
    afraid that + sentence  خائف أن بعدها جملة كاملة
    People are afraid that the light from the sun might go out.

    once  في وقت ما في الماضي ـ ذات مرة
    Once, people were hunters. Their food came from animals.
    once  بمجرد أن
    Once I get the news, I'll phone you.
    once  مرة واحدة
    She visits her grandparents once every six months.

    harbour port
    harbour  مرفـأ ( لرسـو السفن (
    The ship tried to reach the harbour in the storm.
    port  مدينـه مينـاء ( مدينـه تصـل إليهـا السفـن للشحـن والتفـريـغ )
    Alexandria is a big port in Egypt

    wind  الريـاح
    There was a strong wind yesterday.
    rain  المطـر
    There is no rain in the desert.
    drought  الجفاف
    All of Africans die of drought.
    a storm  عاصفـة
    There is a storm outside. It's raining heavily and there is thunder and lightening.
    a blizzard  عاصفـة ثلجيـة
    A blizzard is a severe snowstorm.
    a hurricane  إعصار
    The hurricane caused destruction.
    flood  فيضان
    The village was destroyed by the flood


    southern = in the south of جنوب
    cause / do damage يسبب ضرر

    solar eclipse
    كشوف الشمس storms hit العواصف تضرب

    lunar eclipse
    خسوف القمر with high temperatures بدرجات حرارة عالية
    get heat from يحصل على حرارة من
    with low temperatures بدرجات حرارة منخفضة
    get light from يحصل على ضوء من
    warn of / about
    يحذر من
    damage sight
    يدمر البصر absorbed in the atmosphere يتم امتصاصها في الغلاف الجوي

    have problems with
    عنده مشاكل
    take in يمتص

    Choose the correct answer:
    1- How can the powers of nature ………………… human beings?
    ( effect - reflect - affect – conflict )
    2- Life on earth depends ……………….. heat and light from the sun.
    ( at - in - on - of (
    3- The sun is made of ………………… rock.
    ( frozen - heat - hot – cold )
    4- The ……………… between the sun and the earth is 50 million kilometers.
    ( distant - distance - far - long )
    5- The temperature at the surface of the sun is 15 million …………………...
    ( degrees - meters - marks – targets )
    6- The atmosphere ……………… most of the sun’s harmful rays.
    ( sends - transmits - absorbs - emits )
    7- You can look at the sun safely if you are ………………… sunglasses.
    ( dressed - making - putting - wearing )
    8- To ………. means to take in .
    ( absorb - harm - emit - transmit )
    9- To be ……………. means causing damage.
    ( harmful - useful - vital - harmless )
    10- …….………. is the ability to see.
    ( Site - Sight - View - Seat )
    11- A / n ……… is a hole in the earth from which hot water can rise .
    ( spring - geyser - eclipse - volcano )
    12- If it rains so hard that the soil cannot ………….. the water quickly enough there are floods.
    ( take - send - absorb - insert )
    13- You cannot see…………. but they can still damage your skin.
    ( ultraviolet rays - infection - floods – droughts )
    14- She does not need to wear glasses. There is nothing wrong with her…………………
    ( feeling - hearing - seeing - sight )
    15- The singular noun is volcano. What is the …………… form?
    ( collective - number - group - plural )
    16- The plural noun is glasses. What is the ……………… form?
    ( single - singular - solo - one )
    17- What is ball lightning? It’s a ball of ……………. as big as a football which floats around.
    ( smoke - light - mud - rubber )
    18- Where was the worst flood in ………………?
    ( history - historical - historian - historic )
    19- For most people, the word …………….. means the sun, rain, wind or snow.
    ( whether - moisture - weather - humidity )
    20- Weather ……………… call these balls ball lightning.
    ( experiences - experts - economists - experiments )
    21- Some storms are very unusual and may cause …………… damage.
    ( wonderful - fantastic - terrible - terrific )
    22- In the fourteenth century, high waves and violent storms…….. the English town of Dunwich.
    ( bit - hit - hid - heat )
    23- Most of the town of Dunwich disappeared ……………. the sea.
    ( beside - above - beneath - over )
    24- The worst …………….. in Britain, in 1703, killed more than 8000 people.
    ( stormy - storm - star - stream )
    25- Unusual weather is becoming more common, with very high or low temperatures and very
    heavy ………………. all over the world.
    ( rainfill - rainfell - rainfall - rainform )
    26- Unusual weather causes serious ………………… in some places and floods in others.
    ( drafts - draughts - droughts – drags )
    27- Unusual weather is not a modern …………………….
    ( atmosphere - fantasia - phenomenon - phantom )
    28- One day unusual weather may not be unusual …………………… more.
    ( any - some - no - less )
    29- People are not often surprised by weather ……………………...
    ( broadcast - forefathers - forecasts – paste )
    30- ……………….. is the light you see during electric storm.
    ( Lightning – fog - thunder - mist )
    31- A………………. is a long period without rain.
    ( drought - draught - doubt - draft )
    32- Scientists are not sure what ……………. volcanoes to erupt.
    ( bans - prevents - causes - hesitates )
    33- An eclipse of the sun is a strange natural …………………..
    ( phantom – phenomena - phenomenon – eruption )
    34- When I was a child, I used to be afraid of storms. I covered my eyes so as not see the………..
    ( light - mist - fight - lightening )
    35- Alexandria is in the …….. of Egypt.
    ((south - north - northern – southern )
    36- Electric storms are common ………………… in our part of the country.
    ( occur - occurrence – occurred - occurs )
    37- Dunwich was destroyed by high waves and ……………… storms.
    ( gentle - violent - cruel - weak )
    38- Storms can cause ……………. .winds to destroy buildings all over the country.
    ( serious – strong - weak - mild )
    39- …………….. winds destroyed buildings all over the country.
    ( Heavy – Strong - Weak - Mild )
    40- Is unusual weather …………… a modern phenomenon?
    ( rare - only – per – scarce )
    41- Why do you think unusual weather may not be unusual ………….. the future?
    ( on- at - in- with )
    42- Here the wind is so strong that it can …………….. the trees up.
    ( left - lift - restart- lower )
    43- Could you live in a place as …………….. as this?
    ( wind - windy - windfull – windless )
    44- Storm chasers are people who find and …………… storms.
    ( escape- hunt - follow- rush )
    45- What are the dangers of ………………. a storm?
    ( escaping - allowing - chasing – charging )
    Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1- When I was a child. I used to dreamt of being a doctor.
    2- In addition to he wrote the letter, he saw the film.
    3- Because they played very well, they lost the match.
    4- The people in our street are very neighbouring. They always help each other.
    5- My uncle is a represent for an international oil company.
    6- You should not ridiculous people who have different ideas from you.
    7- Despite the weather was bad, we went out.
    8- He didn't go out as his illness.
    9- As well as he goes to the market, he visited some friends.
    10- He was driving with one hand and waving with the another.
    A) Translate into Arabic:
    Governments are trying all the time to help local communities and local people to keep their heritage. Ecotourism also calls for promotion of recycling and energy and water conservation. We should greatly appreciate the natural beauty of nature.

    B) Translate into English :
     إذا أردت أن تنظر إلى كسوف الشمس يجب أن ترتدي نظارة خاصة حتى تحمى عينيك .

     سـبق شـرح قاعدة IF )) من قبل فى الوحـدة السادسـة
    Test 9
    A- Language Functions
    1) Respond to the following situations:
    1. Ramy always feels tired. Give him advice.
    2. You're asked about the weather today
    3. Omar who feels unwell asks for advice about food. Suggest fruit.
    4. You ask Hosam about the name of the book he is reading and its writer.
    2) Supply where these situations take place and who the speakers are:
    1- A) Where are you flying to sir?
    B) To London.
    A) May I see your ticket and passport, please?
    B) Here you are, sir.

    2- A) Have you finished the work on my car?
    B) I'm afraid not. We haven't got the parts yet.
    A) Oh, that's a nuisance. When do you think it'll be ready?
    B- Vocabulary and Structure
    3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    1- What has been seen ……………..….. from the sky?
    1. a- falling b-feeling c- felling d- filling
    2- Dunwich was destroyed by……………..….. waves and violent storms.
    2. a- long b- tall c- high d- short
    3- Storms can ……………..….. at any time and in any place.
    3. a- cause b- happen c- hesitate d- paste
    4- It has not rained here for five months, It is the longest …..……. anyone can remember.
    4. a- drought b- draught c- doubt d- draft
    5- To ……………..….. means to make something appear.
    5. a- cause b- destroy c- occur d- remove
    6- Unusual weather is not a modern ……………..….. .
    6. a- atmosphere b- fantasia c- phenomenon d- phantom
    7- When there is an …………. of the sun, everything goes dark and the birds stop signing.
    7. a- hurricane b- eclipse c- drought d- volcano
    8- If the sun ……………..….. light and heat, there wouldn't be any life on earth.
    8. a- wouldn’t give b- won’t give c- don’t give d- didn't give
    9- If you ……………..….. a hat, your face won’t get burnt.
    9. a- wore b- wear c- don’t wear d- didn’t wear
    10- It is ……………..….. for a weather forecast to surprise us.
    10. a- usual b- unusual c- ordinary d- common
    11- If the Arctic glaciers ……………..….., the sea level will rise.
    11. a- freeze b- melt c- smelt d- raise
    12- If there ……………..….. clouds in the sky tonight, you will not be able to see the moon.
    12. a- will be b- were c- are d- had been
    13- ……………..….. is the light you see during electric storm.
    13. a- Lightning b- Fog c- Thunder d- Mist
    14- How do you think the wind …… the people who live in Port Martin?
    14. a- effects b- reflects c- affects d- affectionate
    15- Should he ………..……….. early , he will catch the bus.
    15. a- comes b- come c- came d- had come
    16- ……………..….. having enough money, I can buy a car.
    16. a- Without b- for c- In case of d- should
    4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1. Weather experts cell these balls ball lightning.
    2. Some storms are very unusual and may pause terrible damage.
    3. The English town of Dunwich was once an importance port.
    4. If I discover a new planet, I would give it my mother's name.
    5. If there was an eclipse of the sun in my country, I may definitely watch it.
    6. If you looked at the sun, you'll damage your sight.
    (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
    5) Read the following passage then answer the questions:
    A tuk-tuk is a type of taxi with three wheels. The driver sits at the front and behind him is a seat for three passengers. Sometimes four passengers can fit into the tuk-tuk, but it is very uncomfortable! They are called tuk-tuks because of the funny sounds of their small engines. There are thousands of tuk-tuks in Bangkok, Thailand.
    One tuk-tuk driver is Pom Sanniwat. Pom is 52 years old and has been driving his tuk-tuk for almost 25 years. Like many tuk-tuk drivers, Pom comes from the north of Thailand. Pom's village was very poor. There was no work on the farms, so Pom came to Bangkok. He decided to become a tuk-tuk driver because it looked like fun.
    Pom likes being a tuk-tuk driver because he can speak to many people every day. He can also earn over $400 a month. Almost anyone can become a tuk-tuk driver. Tuk-tuks are very easy to drive. But driving a tuk-tuk has its disadvantages, too. When Pom started driving his tuk-tuk, he often got lost. Pom also has a long day. He works from 6 o'clock in the morning until 9 at night. There are many cars and buses in Bangkok, so there is a lot of pollution. The pollution is bad for Pom's health.

    Answer the following questions:
    1. Why does Pom like his job as a tuk-tuk driver?
    2. Why is driving a tuk-tuk bad for Pom's health?
    3. What do you think of the tuk-tuk as a means of transportation? Why?

    Choose the correct answer:
    4. -------------- passengers can sit comfortably in a tuk-tuk.
    a) Three b) Four c) Five d) Six
    5. Tuk-tuks are ------------ in Bangkok, Thailand.
    a) rare b) banned c) available d) uncommon
    6) Read the following passage then answer the questions below :
    For most of us, the idea of soup which stops us getting ill, or crisps which relax us seems like something from a science-fiction film. However, these food products known as "functional foods" may already be on your supermarket's shelves.
    In today's world, we all know that our diet affects our health. Therefore, food companies are taking advantage of this fact. They have already started to use ingredients in their products which will offer extra health benefits to their customers. For example, orange juice already contains vitamin C, but now you can buy orange juice with added calcium to strengthen your bones and teeth.
    Of course, there are people who believe that functional foods are a bad idea. They claim that products such as these can be dangerous, as people may end up taking more vitamins than they need and may damage their bodies as a result. Nevertheless, functional foods are becoming increasingly popular, and supporters feel that it won't be long before there are foods which prevent cancer, protect eyesight and much more.

    A) Answer the following questions:
    1. Why are some people against functional foods ?
    2. What are the advantages of functional foods ?
    3. Would you like your regular meals to include functional foods ? Why ?

    B) Choose the correct answer:
    4. Some food companies benefit from functional foods by…………….. .
    a) offering extra health advantages to their customers. b) reducing vitamins in their products.
    c) helping customers save more money. d) helping customers consume more food.
    5. A suitable title for the passage can be:…………………….. .
    a) "The Advantages of Functional Foods" b) "The Disadvantages of Functional Foods"
    c) "Functional Foods in Science Fiction" d) "A New Type of Foods"
    D- The Novel
    7) (A) Answer the following questions:
    1. Why did Amalia dislike Leila ?
    2. What surprise did Leila have while she was sitting in the café ?
    3. What did Leila ask Dr Hafez to come to the café ?

    B) Read following quotation and answer the questions:
    “ I’ll have a word with her about that.”

    1. Who said this to whom ?
    2. Who was he talking about ?
    3. What would he talk with her about ?

    C) Complete the following sentences :
    1. Dr Hafez thought that Amalia ………………….…….
    2. Leila asked Dr Hafez’s advice concerning ……….………………….
    3. To carry out Dr Hafez’s advice concerning ……………...………….
    E- Writing
    Cool Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
    “The Sun”
    Use the following guiding points:
    • The importance of the sun for living things on Earth.
    • Solar energy.
    • How the sun can be dangerous.
    F- Translation
    9) A- Translate into Arabic:
    It can’t be denied that nature is beautiful. When nature is angry, it becomes man’s enemy. There are things such as volcanoes, earthquakes, floods and storms which cause great damage.

    B) Translate into English:
     هل تعتقد أن الظواهر الطبيعية مثل العواصف والبراكين يمكن مواجهتها ؟
     عرفـت مصـر دائمـا أنهـا منشـأ الحضـارة ويسعى المصريون فى السنوات الأخيرة استعادة أمجادها السابقة.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة أبريل 26, 2024 4:00 pm