منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

إسلاميات علم ومعرفة ( فلسفة ومنطق + علم نفس وإجتماع+لغة عربية +لغة إنجليزية + لغة فرنسية +تاريخ +جغرافيا + فيزياء + كيمياء + أحياء +رياضيات + إقتصاد وإحصاء +جيولوجيا وعلوم بيئية + مستوى رفيع +أخرى )أخبار برامج ( للكمبيوتر+ النت+ تحميل برامج إسلامية )جديد

المواضيع الأخيرة

» مبادئ الفلسفة للصف الاول الثانوى 2018
للصف الثالث الثانوى  Hello English Unit   8 I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء يناير 30, 2018 12:24 pm من طرف أبويحيى

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» أخبار برشلونى اليوم
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» روابط مشاهدة جميع المباريات بدون تقطيع
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» منج الفلسفة والمنطق لعام 2016 الجديد
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» مذكرة الصف الأول الثانوى الجديد لعام 2015
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» تحميل لعبة كرة القدم pes 2015 مجانا ً وبروابط مباشرة
للصف الثالث الثانوى  Hello English Unit   8 I_icon_minitimeالسبت يناير 24, 2015 11:59 am من طرف أبويحيى

» اقوى مذكرة ادب وورد للصف الاول الثانوى مدعمة بتدريبات الاسئلة بمواصفات جديدة لواضع الاسئلة 2014
للصف الثالث الثانوى  Hello English Unit   8 I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 20, 2014 12:06 am من طرف أبويحيى

» مذكرة الاستاذ عبدة الجعر مراجعة قصة ابو الفوارس فصل فصل شامل كل الاسئلة الامتحانية بمواصفات 2014
للصف الثالث الثانوى  Hello English Unit   8 I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 20, 2014 12:04 am من طرف أبويحيى

التبادل الاعلاني

انشاء منتدى مجاني

    للصف الثالث الثانوى Hello English Unit 8

    مدير المنتدى أ/أحمد محمد الصغير أحمد

    عدد المساهمات : 300
    تاريخ التسجيل : 15/02/2012
    العمر : 46

    للصف الثالث الثانوى  Hello English Unit   8 Empty للصف الثالث الثانوى Hello English Unit 8

    مُساهمة  أبويحيى الثلاثاء أبريل 10, 2012 11:49 pm

    Hello English 1st Dr Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde 3rd Unit 8


    present هدية - حاضر evil الشر host مضيف
    presenter مقدم برنامج conflict صراع visitor زائر
    knock يطرق colleagues زميل frustrated محبط
    complain يشكو disapprove of لا يوافق frustration إحباط
    campaign حملة secret سرى kidnappers مختطفون
    bestseller الأكثر مبيعا character شخصية isle جزيرة
    author مؤلف his appearance. مظهرة autobiography سيرة بواسطة الكاتب
    health الصحة frightening, مخيف temporary مؤقت
    cure العلاج violent عنيف temporarily بطريقة مؤقتة
    recuperation النقاهة violence العنف badly بطريقة سيئة
    engineering الهندسة personality ذو شخصية science العلم
    admit يعترف commits يرتكب supernatural خارق للطبيعة
    own up يعترف his will وصيته living things الكائنات الحية
    guest ضيف blackmailing ابتزاز good الخير
    hostess مضيفة present يقدم strife يناضل
    disappointed خائب الأمل ـ محبط presentation تقديم fight يقاتل
    disappointment خيبة الأمل kick يركل struggle يكافح
    kidnapped مخطوف complaint شكوى approve of يوافق
    island جزيرة camp معسكر mystery سر غامض
    biography سيرة ذاتية sale مبيعات -اوكازيون personal شخصى
    permanently بطريقة دائمة playwright كاتب مسرحى appear يظهر
    permanent دائم healthy صحى freighted خائف
    respected محترم recuperate يستشفى eventually أخيرا
    scientist عالم post operation ما بعد الجراحة-فترة النقاهة personnel manager مدير شئون العاملين
    research بحث literature الأدب character شخصية
    human nature الطبيعة البشرية confess يعترف comment يعلق على
    human beings البشرية deny ينكر well بئر
    humanity البشرية denial إنكار bribe رشوة

    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde takes place in London in the nineteenth century. Dr. Henry Jekyll, a respected scientist, is doing research into human nature. He believes that human beings have a good and evil side and that these sides are always in conflict. Dr. Jekyll’s colleagues disagree with his ideas and disapprove of his research. So Dr. Jekyll starts doing secret experiments on himself to prove his ideas. He takes special medicine which changes not only his character, but also his appearance. For a short time after he takes the medicine, he becomes Mr. Hyde, an evil man who looks frightening, has a
    violent personality and commits terrible crimes.
    Later, friends think something strange is happening when Dr. Jekyll rewrites his will, leaving everything to Mr. Hyde, a man they do not know. They worry more when the police start asking questions about Mr. Hyde. Who is this stranger who is never seen at the same time as Dr. Jekyll? They think that Dr. Jekyll may be protecting Hyde from the place, or that Hyde is blackmailing Dr. Jekyll.
    Dr. Jekyll has now proved that human nature is both good and evil, but soon he starts to enjoy being Mr. Hyde. He changes into Mr. Hyde more often and finds it more difficult to change back into Mr. Jekyll.
    Eventually Dr. Jekyll changes into Mr. Hyde without taking any medicine and finds he cannot change back again. This means that he cannot leave his house, because someone might see him and he might be arrested. The story ends badly for “both” characters.

    Language Notes

    present introduce offer
    present  يقدم ( شـئ ( ـ يهدى ( فعـل )
    We will present a cup to the winner.
    present  يقدم ( برنامج ـ مسلسل ـ فيلم ........) ( فعـل )
    She used to present a programme about woman on TV.
    present  حاضـر ( صفـة )
    All students are present today.
    present  هدية ـ الحاضر ( اسـم )
    My father gave me a valuable present on my birthday.
    introduce  يقدم ( شخص لآخر (
    He introduced me to his friend Ahmed.
    offer  يقدم ( شـئ لشخص (
    He offered me 50,000 for the house.

    knock on = at يطرق على

    While I was sleeping, he knocked on the door.
    knock off the price يخفـض السعـر
    Shopkeepers knock off the prices to sell a lot.
    knock something off يسـرق ـ يبعـد عن مسـار
    Scientists can knock an asteroid off its course by setting off an explosion near it.
    The assistant was busy, so the thief knocked off some jewellery and ran away.

    foreigner stranger
    foreigner  أجنبـى ( شخـص من دولة أخـرى )
    He isn't from Egypt, he is a foreigner.
    foreign  أجنبـى ( صفة لوصف البلاد / البضائع / اللغات )
    Learning foreign languages is very important.
    stranger  غريـب ( شخـص لا أعرفـه )
    I'm a stranger here, I don't know where the post office is.

    complain to + شخص  يشكو لـ
    She complained to her father about her money.

    complain about + شـئ  يشكو من
    He complained about his work.
    complain of + مـرض  يشكو من
    He complained of headache.
    complain that + جمـلة كامـلة  يشكو من
    He complained that he didn't get his salary.

    good at  جيد في
    He is good at English.
    good to  طيب مع
    He is good to his friends
    good for  مفيد ـ صالح لـ
    Taking exercises is good for you.

    respect respected respectable respectful
    respect  يحتـرم
    You must respect your teachers.
    respected  محتـرم يحترمه الناس جميعا بسبب انجازاته ( عاقل )
    Zewail is a respected scientist.
    respectable  محتـرم لأن له شخصية و أسرة عريقة ( عاقل وغير عاقل )
    He is a respectable man. He wants a respectable job.
    respectful  محتـرم للآخرين
    He doesn't want to hurt their feeling , he is respectful.

    quite fairly rather
    quite – fairly + صفـة حسنـة  إلى حد ما
    He is quite ( fairly ) good at English.

    rather + صفـة غيـر حسنـة  إلى حد ما
    He is rather bad at English.

    agree accept
    agree to + ( inf. - N )  يوافق
    He agreed to sign the papers. He agreed to our plan.
    agree with someone  يتفق مع
    I'm afraid I don't agree with you.
    agree on ( something )  مجموعة تتفق علي شيء
    We agreed on a price for the car.
    agree that ( sentence )  يوافق
    It was agreed that he was the thief.
    accept ( invitation / apology / condolences / bribes )  يقبــل ( دعوة ـ اعتذار ـ تعازي ـ رشوة )
    He didn't accept her apology.

    biography autobiography
    biography  سيـرة ذاتيـة لشخـص يكتبهـا شخـص آخـر
    Famous people have different biographies written about them.
    autobiography  سيـرة ذاتيـة لشخـص يكتبهـا الشخـص نفسـه
    He published his autobiography last year.

    temporary permanent
    temporary  مؤقت
    He tries to find a temporary job during the summer holiday.
    permanent  دائم
    Their stay is not temporary , it is permanent.

    work job career profession
    work  عمـل ـ مكـان العمـل ( اسم لا يعـد )
    I have got a lot of work to do. Mr Ahmed leaves work at two o'clock.
    job  وظيفة ـ مهنـه ( اسم يعـد (
    He has got a job as a teacher. I have got a lot of jobs to do.
    career  مهنـه الحياة العملية للفـرد
    He started his career five years ago.
    profession  مهنـه ( تحتـاج إلى مؤهـلات وتـدريـب (
    Teaching is a profession.


    do experiments on يجري تجربة
    الأكثر مبيعاُ

    do research into
    يقوم ببحث في
    frightened of خائف من
    commit a crime
    يرتكب جريمة
    frightening مخيف

    protecting from يحمى من

    Choose the correct answer:
    1. my father gave me an expensive watch as ……………… on my birthday party.
    ( present – reward – award – a ward )
    2. Her parents didn't …………. of her career choice and there were bitter arguments about it.
    ( prove - improve - approve – deprive )
    3. The government should do something ……………. the poor people of remote villages.
    ( for - with - by – in )
    4. Scientists can …………. asteroids off course by setting off an explosion near it.
    ( knock - lock - clock - flock)
    5. My brother went on holiday to Aswan. Now he's decided to live there ……………….
    ( permanently- temporary – permanent – temperature )
    6. I thought the test would be easy, but I must ………….. I'm finding it quite difficult.
    ( dot – admit – adopt – adapt )
    7. Someone …………….. on our door late last night, but I didn't open it.
    ( kicked – looked – knocked – kite )
    8. Doctors and nurses belong to the medical ………………….. .
    ( job - profession - career - mission )
    9. All my friends come from very …………………. families.
    ( respectable – respected – respect – rescue )
    10. My grandfather ……………….. at the moment after a long illness.
    ( treated- recuperated- acupunctured-cupped)
    11. I'm reading the …………………. of William Shakespeare.
    ( autobiography – biography - story- life )
    12. Ali wasn't badly injured in the accident, but his. ……………. took longer than we thought.
    ( recuperated – recuperation – operation – station )
    13. I have worked in a lot of different places. Now I'd like a more …………… job.
    ( permanently – temporary – permanent – temperature )
    14. You can find ………………… information about many writers on the internet.
    (biographical – biography – geography – geographical )
    15. When he said sorry, it was an, …………………… that he had been wrong.
    ( admit – confess – admission – permission )
    16. I ……………….. people who are honest and work hard.
    ( respect – respectable – respected – respectful )
    17. If you are a doctor, it's very important to behave ……………… towards your patients.
    ( profession – professionally – professional – careful )
    18. The exam is ………………….. difficult.
    ( quite – rater – quiet – quit )
    19. The shop knocked ……………….. prices during the sale.
    ( on – of – off – out )
    20. All Egyptians were ……………… when Egypt lost the match in The Sudan.
    ( appointed – disappointed – appointment – disappointment )
    21. He is not amateur , he is ------------------------
    ( profession – professional – lazy – professionally )
    22. You should behave --------------------------
    ( professional – profession – professionals – professionally )
    23. Your ------------------- are people working with you.
    ( relatives – enemies – neighbours – colleagues )
    24. Conflict is a situation of disagreement or -------------------- between people.
    ( fighting – dancing – cooperation – respect )
    25. People who ------------------- serious crimes should be sent to prison.
    ( come – see – watch – commit )
    26. When my brother started his new job , all his ----------------- were friendly.
    ( colleagues – teachers – nurses – classmates )
    27. The story took --------------------- in Luxor.
    ( place – part – turns – off )
    28. How about --------------- on a holiday ?
    ( go – goes – went – going )
    29. Some people are against his ideas and disapprove -------------------- his research.
    ( in – at – with – of )
    30. He suffers from illness and spent most of his time --------------------
    ( in bed – in the street – in the bathroom – singing )
    31. He wrote his best works ------------------ Treasure Island , Kidnapped and Dr Jekyll .
    ( including – consisting – containing – appearing )
    Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1- Sara has used to working late at the office.
    2- She was the last student arrives at school.
    3- The government gives private care to setting up new projects.
    4- I look forward to see that play.
    5- She allowed me using her computer.
    6- I need to draw some money out of my discount.
    7- The government is trying to contract more tourists to visit Egypt.
    8- Many people in Egypt still wear conditional clothes.
    9- He couldn't decide which one he liked good.
    10- The information in this report is based on a spray completed by 2000 students.
    A) Translate into Arabic:
    The crowded Cairo shantytownsعشوائيات are very dangerous to the Egyptian national security.

    B) Translate into English :
     تعمل القراءة على النهوض بالطفل وتنمية مواهبه لكى يكون لديه القدرة على الإبداع.

    Direct & Indirect speech المبـاـشر و غيـر المباشـر

    الجمــلة الخبـريــة
     عنـد تحـويـل جمـلة مـن مباشـر إلى غيـر مباشـر نتبع الآتي :ـ
     تغييرات خـارج الأقـواس :ـ
    said said tell say to say say
    told said to tells says to says Says
     تحــذف الأقــواس ونـربــط بــ that أو بـدونهــا .
     يتغير الزمن داخل الأقـواس إذا كان الفعـل خـارج الأقـواس ماضي كالآتي .
    must have + pp must الاستنتاج ماضى بسيـط مضــارع بسيـط
    had to
    must ماضى مستمـر مضــارع مستمر
    had to have to - has to ماضى تـام مضـــارع تــام
    wasn't to mustn't ماضى تـام ماضـى بسيــط
    didn't have to needn't ماضيهـا الأفعال الناقصة

     تحــول الظـروف الزمنية والمكانية كالآتي :
    the day before (or) the previous day yesterday
    the next day (or) the ( following ) day tomorrow
    that day today then now
    before ago, last that night tonight
    there here the following next
    those these that this

    He said to me “I will travel to Port Said tomorrow”
    He told me that he would travel to port said the next day.

    She said to her brother, “I phoned you yesterday”
    She told her brother that she had phoned him the day before.

    Ahmed said to me, " I have won the prize last week."
    Ahmed told me that he had won the prize the week before.

     لاحــظ :ـ إذا كـان داخـل الأقـواس أكثـر مـن جمـلة نربـط الأولـى بـ that والثانية نربطهـا بـ and added that
    She said “I didn’t attend the party. I must apologize.”
    She said that she hadn't attended the party and added that she had to apologize.

    الجمــلة الأمــريـة
     يتحـول فعــل القـول إلى :ـ ordered – asked – told – advised
     في الأمــر المثبـت نستخــدم ( المصـدر + to )
    He said to his son “study hard.”
    He advised his son to study hard.
     في الأمــر المنفـى نستخـدم ( المصـدر + not to )
    He said to me “don’t waste your time.”
    He advised ( told ) me not to waste my time.
    He said tome " Open the door and don't close the window."
    He ordered me to open the door and not to close the window.

    الجمــلة الاستفهامية

     عنـد تحـويـل جمـلة مـن مباشـر إلى غيـر مباشـر نتبع الآتـى :ـ
     يتحــول فعــل القــول إلى :ـ asked – wondered - wanted to know
     الســؤال المبــدوء بفعــل مســاعـد أو ناقـص تحــذف الأقــواس ونربــط بــ if أو whether
     الســؤال المبـدوء بـأداة استفهـــام نربـــط بهــا كمــا هــى وتحــول الجمـله إلى خبـريـة وتحــذف do – does
     ويصبـح الفعـل ماضـى بسيــط وتحــذف did ويصبــح الفعــل مـاضـى تــام .

    She said to me, “Do you speak English ?”
    She asked me if I spoke English ?”
    He said to me, “where did you spend your holiday last year ?"
    He asked me where I had spent my holiday the year before.
    Ahmed said to me, " How much money did you earn last week?"
    Ahmed asked me how much money I had earned the week before.
    Ola said, " What will you do tomorrow?"
    Ola asked what I would do the next day.

    Exclamation التعـجـب
     يحـول فعـل القـول إلـى exclaimed مضـافـاً إليـه بعـض العبـارات لتوضيـح المعنـى مثـل :
    with regret نـدم with admiration إعجـاب with sorrow أسـف
    with joy فـرح with surprise غضـب
     نستخــدم Hurrah للتعبيــر عـن الفــرح و Alas للتعبيــر عـن الأسـف .
     تحـذف الكلمـة التـى تـدل علـى التعجـب عنـد التحـويـل مثـل :
    Hurrah – alas – oh – what – how.
    The boy said, Hurrah! We have won the match ?
    The boy exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
    The merchant said, Alas! I have lost all my wealth.
    The merchant exclaimed with sorrow that he had lost all his wealth.

    ملاحظـات عـامـة

     لا يتـم تغييـر ما بداخـل الأقـواس فى هـذه الجمـل لأن ما بداخـل الأقواس حقيقـة علميـة.
    Ali said to Ramy, “ The earth is round.”
    Al told Ramy that the earth is round.
     لأن فعـل القول مضـارع بسيـط .
    Rania says, “ I will travel to London.”

    Rania says that she will travel to London
     لأن الحـدث قيـل فى الحـال أو قبـل فتـرة بسيطـة.
    He said just now, “ No one is allowed to leave.”
    He said just now that no one is allowed to leave.
     لأن الجمـل شرطيـة لــ if الحالـة الثانيـة أو الثالثـة وبعـد wish / If only .
    She said, “ If I had met him, I would have known the news.”
    She said that if she had met him, she would have known the news.

    He said, “ If I had the money, I would buy a car.”

    He said that if he had the money, he would buy a car.

    He said,” I wish I got the prize.”
    He said he wished he got the prize.

     فى جمـل العـرض .
    He said, “Can I help you ?"
    He offered to help me.
     فى جمــل التمني .

    He said to me, “Have a nice holiday."
    She wished me a nice holiday.
     فى جمــل الاتهــام .

    He said to the servant, “You stole my wallet."
    He accused the servant of stealing his wallet.

     فى جمـل الاقتـراح .

    He said, “Let’s swim"
    He suggested swimming. He suggested that they should swim.
     الوعــد .

    His father said, “If you get high mark, I’ll buy you a bike.
    His father promised to buy him a bike if he got high marks.

     فى جمـل الشكـر يحـول فعــل القــول إلى thanked .
    He said to me, "Thank you very much."
    He thanked me very much.
     إذا جــاءت كلمـة yes تحــذف ويتحــول فعــل القــول إلى agree .
    He said to me, "yes, I shall go with you."
    He agreed to go with me.
     إذا جــاءت كلمـة no تحـذف ويتحــول فعــل القــول إلى refuse
    She said to me, "No, I won't obey your orders."
    She refused to obey my orders.
     لا تتغيـر بعـض التعبيـرات مثـل would like – would rather – had better .
    I said to my friend, " Would you like to go with me to the cinema?"
    I asked my friend if he would like to go to the cinema.
     يتحــول الفعـل come إلى go إذا جـاء مــع here التى تتحـول إلى there .
    He said to me, "come here."
    He ordered me to go there.
     إذا وجـد بالجمـلة سؤالين أحدهما بأداة استفهـام والآخر بفعـل مساعد نستعمل أداة الاستفهام كأداة ربط ونستعمـل if فى الجملة الثانية .
    She said to me, "Where did you go yesterday ? Can you answer this question ?"
    She asked me where I had gone the day before and if I could answer that question.
     إذا وجـد بالجملـة سؤال وجملـة خبريـة يوضـع قبل السؤال asked وقبل الجملـة الخبريـة said – told .
    He said, "You can solve your problems. Will you follow my advice?
    He said that I could solve my problems and asked if I would follow his advice.
     تحــول couldn't إلى wasn't allowed to
    He said to me, "I couldn't interrupt my parents."
    He said to me that he wasn't allowed to interrupt his parents.
     إذا بـدأت الجمـلة داخـل الأقـواس بــ If الافتراضية تحـول كالآتي :
    advise + مـفعـول + to + المصــدر مـن جــواب الشــرط

    He said, " If I were you, I would buy a car."
    He advised me to buy a car.
     تحــول must إلى had to فى الماضي .
    He said, " I must study hard."
    He said that he had to study hard.
     لا تتحـول must إذا كـانـت تـدل على وجـوب دائـم .
    She said, "Children must obey their parents."
    She said that children must obey their parents.
     تحــول must إلى would have to فى المستقبــل .
    He said, " I must go to Cairo tomorrow.
    He said that he would have to go to Cairo tomorrow.
     إذا كانـت الجمــلة داخـل الأقـواس تعبـر عــن دعـوة تتحـول كالآتي :ـ
    + فـاعــل offer مفعــول +
    He said to me, "would you like to have a drink ?"
    He offered me a drink. Or He asked me if I would like to have a drink.

    Find the mistake and correct it
    1- She's going meet her sister in town.
    2- I fixed the lake in the petrol tank.
    3- How many time do I need to drive to the city centre?
    4- Oil and gas are find under the ground.
    5- Water is the solid form of ice .
    6- Rafat EI-Hagan and Gamma's EI-Shaw wan were very famous Egyptian kings.
    7- Hala asked that she would visit Aswan the next day.
    8- Ghada told me that she is playing chess then.
    9- The officer ordered his men if shoot fire on the enemy.
    10- Ali wondered if Ahmed has done his homework the day before.
    11- He asked Dina that he was writing a letter.
    12- Ahmed told that the helicopter was flying high.
    13- I asked her if could I use the new camera.
    14- Farouk asked Osman why are you late.
    15- The teacher said, " Where your books were , Hazim ?"
    16- Karim told Nour if there was sugar in the cup.
    17- I told the professor I didn't attend the following lecture.
    18- They wanted to know that I play music.
    19- He said just now that he will buy a new car next month.
    20- She asked me where I am staying then.
    Choose the correct answer:
    1- Ali ………………. his son had bought a car the day before.
    ( wondered – said - said to – told )
    2- Ola told me that she ………………… visit Tanta the following day.
    ( would – will – had – had )
    3- The teacher told his students that The Nile ………………. in Egypt.
    ( ran - had run - will run – runs )
    4- Aya ordered Maha …………….. make noise in the class.
    ( to – if – whether - not to )
    5- Ahmed asked me ……………….. I had gone the day before.
    ( why – where – what – when )
    6- Do you know where ………………. the previous day.
    ( Dina went - did Dina go - Dina had gone - had Dina gone )
    7- The police ……………. people from the deadly spiders.
    ( told – warned – wondered – wandered )
    8- I do not approve …………….. your opinion.
    ( of - in- off - at )

    9- He asked me where I ………………. then.
    ( stay - did I stay - was staying - am I staying )
    10- ………………. book was the one you were pointing at?
    ( Who - Whose - Where - How many)
    11- The interviewer asked the professor ………………… he had worked.
    ( whether – unless – that – whatever )
    12- I want know how …………………….. her.
    ( you helped - have you helped - do you help - had you helped )
    13- Can you kindly tell me where ……………….. ?
    ( is the manager - the manager is - the manger was )
    14- She asked me whether ………………… there before.
    ( I had been - I went – I go - had I been )
    15- He said that he ………………… his friend the following day.
    ( will visit – would visit – is visiting – visited )
    Test 8
    A- Language Functions
    1) Respond to the following situations:
    1. You're doing a project on wildlife. Ask a friend of yours for more information.
    2. You advise a friend of yours not to eat too much.
    3. Salem believes that fresh fruit and vegetables are good for health. Express your opinion.
    4. Reham eats food with too much salt in it.
    2) Supply where these situations take place and who the speakers are:
    1- A: Can I find a book about Robert Louis Stevenson?
    B: Of course it is on the shelf on the right corner.
    A: Thank you

    2- A: Your tickets please.
    B: here you are .
    B: Your seats are no 43 and 44 at the last row.
    A: When does the show start?
    B- Vocabulary and Structure
    3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    1. He suffers from many ---------------- problems .
    a- healthier b- healthy c- health d- wealth
    2. This story was a ---------------------- for two years.
    a- absent b- bestseller c- bookseller d- fruit seller
    3. ----------------------- means to take something from someone for silence.
    a- blackmail b- borrow c- lend d- laugh
    4. The young boy was ---------------------- of the huge man.
    a- frightening b- fright c- frightened d- bright
    5. My uncle visited Aswan buy now he has decided to live there ----------------------
    a- temporarily b- permanently c- by chance d- fantastically
    6. Someone ------------------------ on our door last night , but I didn't open it.
    a- broke b- knocked c- took d- booked
    7. He left all his savings to his son in his -----------------
    a- hand b- will c- memory d- fan
    8. All my friends come from very --------------- families.
    a- respectable b- evil c- devil d- unrespectable
    9. The police made him -------------------- his crime.
    a- confess b- say c- commit d- admit
    10. He said that he ------ his friend the following day.
    a- will visit b- would visit c- is visiting d- visited
    11. He said that he ------------------ her playing the piano.
    a- had seen b- has seen c- will see d- can see

    12. I asked her if -------- use the new camera.
    a- I could b- could I c- can I d- are I
    13. Farouk asked Osman why --------- late.
    a- was he b- are you c- is he d- he was
    14. The teacher said, " Where ------------- , Hazim ?"
    a- your book is b- is your book c- the books are d-your books were
    15. Samir --------- that the helicopter was flying high.
    a- told b- said to c- asked d- said
    16. Karim ------------Nour if there was sugar in the cup.
    a- asked b- told c- said d- talked
    4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1. He wrote his biography before he died.
    2. He used to complain to pain in heart.
    3. I asked him what was he doing.
    4. She asked me weather I had watched the DVD.
    5. He told that it was a busy day.
    6. He says that he was taking his brother to the airport.
    (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
    5) Read the following passage then answer the questions:
    A student passed all his school examinations and then went to a college to continue his studies. There, he enrolled in a course in geography. But after the first lecture, he didn’t attend any more lectures. The geography lecturer noticed this student was always absent and that he had changed to another course, so he was very surprised when he saw the boy’s name on the list of students who wanted to take the geography examination at the end of the year.
    The lecturer had prepared a difficult examination paper, which followed his lectures very closely, and he was eager to see how this student answered the questions. He expected that his answers would be very bad, but when he examined the answers, he found only one small mistake. So he sent for the student to question him. When the student had come, the lecturer told him that he was curious to know how he was able to find only one little mistake although the student came to the first lecture and he was absent from all the others.
    To his great surprise, the student told him that he would not have made that mistake if he hadn’t been confused by his first lecture.

    A- Answer the following questions:
    1. Why was the lecturer surprised when he saw the student’s name on the list?
    2. What made the lecturer prepare a difficult examination?
    3. Why had the student made a mistake in his examination paper?

    B- Choose the correct answer:
    4. The student mentioned in the passage must have been very ……………………. .
    a) curious b) stupid c) clever d) impatient
    5. The underlined words “the others” refer to ………………. .
    a) the questions b) the lectures c) the students d) the professors
    6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
    It is true that men have invented a lot of useful things; the alphabet, machines, rockets and so many other things. But scientists and archaeologists now agree that women invented one very important thing which has changed history. They invented agriculture. Before the invention of agriculture, men were hunters. They went out every day. Sometimes they killed animals, sometimes animals killed them. Life was difficult and dangerous. Women had to go out every day too. They collected roots, fruit and grass.
    One day, more than 10,000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds. She dropped them near her home. They grew and the first wheat was born. The idea grew, too. Women planted roots and fruit trees. Then they could stay at home and look after their children and their animals. Archaeologists think that women kept the first domestic animals. Then their husbands did not have to go hunting for meat. They stayed at home. They built villages and cities. Civilization began. Men began civilization after women had invented agriculture.

    A) Answer the following questions:
    1. Who proved that women invented agriculture?
    2. How did the early man get his food?
    3. What was the first crop cultivated by women?

    B. Choose the correct answer:
    4. An archaeologist is a person who studies …………….
    a) animal life b) agriculture life c) geological life d) buried remains of ancient times
    5. The underlined word “they” refers to …………..
    a) women b) seeds c) men d) animals
    D- The Novel
    7) (A) Answer the following questions:
    1- What did Pablo tell Leila about the Inca?
    2- Why was Roman the first one to enter the tomb?
    3- What made Incas send the Chimu King’s sons to Cuzco?

    B)Read following quotation and answer the questions:
    “Amalia will show you around the site and tell you what we have done.”

    1- Who was the speaker?
    2- What site was he talking about ?
    3- Why was Amalia chosen to show Leila the site?

    C) Complete the following sentences :
    1- Roman was tied with a long rope when he got into the tomb so that …...………….
    2- Before showing Leila around the site, Amila …………..……….
    3- Peruvians allowed foreigners to excavate their ancient cities provided ……
    ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـ
    E- Writing
    Cool Writing a letter:

    Your uncle has promised to give you a large sum of money as a reward for passing an examination. Write a letter thanking him and explaining how you propose to use the gift.
    Your name is Amer and you live at 25, El Galaa street, Mansoura.
    F- Translation
    9) A- Translate into Arabic:
    Dr. Jekyll has now proved that human nature is both good and evil, but soon he starts to enjoy being Mr. Hyde. He changes into Mr. Hyde more often and finds it more difficult to change back into Mr. Jekyll.

    B) Translate into English:
     هل تحب أن تعمل كعميل سري ؟
     يجب أن تحترم مشاعر الآخرين وأن تكون متعاونا وصبورا ً.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة أبريل 26, 2024 10:56 pm