منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

إسلاميات علم ومعرفة ( فلسفة ومنطق + علم نفس وإجتماع+لغة عربية +لغة إنجليزية + لغة فرنسية +تاريخ +جغرافيا + فيزياء + كيمياء + أحياء +رياضيات + إقتصاد وإحصاء +جيولوجيا وعلوم بيئية + مستوى رفيع +أخرى )أخبار برامج ( للكمبيوتر+ النت+ تحميل برامج إسلامية )جديد

المواضيع الأخيرة

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» مذكرة الاستاذ عبدة الجعر مراجعة قصة ابو الفوارس فصل فصل شامل كل الاسئلة الامتحانية بمواصفات 2014
للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit  6 I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 20, 2014 12:04 am من طرف أبويحيى

التبادل الاعلاني

انشاء منتدى مجاني

    للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit 6

    مدير المنتدى أ/أحمد محمد الصغير أحمد

    عدد المساهمات : 300
    تاريخ التسجيل : 15/02/2012
    العمر : 46

    للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit  6 Empty للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit 6

    مُساهمة  أبويحيى الثلاثاء أبريل 10, 2012 11:38 pm

    Hello English 1st The importance of trees 3rd Unit 6


    bark لحاء الشجر recently حديثاً brush teeth ينظف الأسنان
    chemicals مواد كيميائية add to يضيف إلى manage to يتمكن من - يستطيع
    harden يصبح أشد صلابة list قائمة palm trees النخل
    tube أنبوبة fill يملأ instead of بدل من
    leaves أوراق شجر serious جاد - خطير advantages مميزات
    roots جذور reason for سبب merits مميزات
    rings حلقات - دوائر cause of سبب disadvantages عيوب
    instructions تعليمات breathe يتنفس demerits عيوب
    parts أجزاء breath تنفس oxygen أكسجين
    cut down يقطع protect from يحمى dig يحفر
    do damage يسبب تلف global warming الاحتباس الحرارى fertilizers الأسمدة
    goats ماعز furniture أثاث hammer المطرقة
    narrow ضيق destroy يدمر ـ يحطم made of مصنوع من
    wide واسع destruction تدمير ـ تحطيم made from مصنوع من
    turpentine سائل لإزالة الطلاء equipment معدات branches فروع
    width سعة اتساع recharge يعيد شحن seeds بذور
    calculate يحسب magazine مجلة soil تربة
    depend on يعتمد على newspaper جريدة strength قوة
    rely on يعتمد على extract يستخرج - يستخلص strengthen يقوي
    climate مناخ photosynthesis البناء الضوئي length الطول
    musical instrument آلة موسيقية lengthen يطول
    local x global محلى x عالمى play the piano العزف على البيانو bridge كوبرى - جسر
    cardboard ورق مقوى absorb = take in يمتص queue طابور
    incredible لا يصدق uses استخدامات queue up يصطف ـ يقف فى طابور
    products منتجا ت valuable شئ ذو قيمة taste الذوق - يتذوق
    rubber مطاط value قيمة ـ يقيم remove يزيل
    tyre إطار مطاطى paint remover مزيل طلاء bottom قاع
    toothpaste معجون الأسنان fall over يقع من على top قمة
    keep --- away يبعد make medicines يصنع الدواء finally فى النهاية- أخيراً
    wooden stick عصا خشبية kind of نوع من gloves قفازات
    stake دعامة نبات fuel وقود close together بالقرب من بعض
    drill into the tree يحفر nuts بندق - مكسرات balance توازن
    surprise مفاجأة - يفاجئ materials مواد خام deep عميق
    chlorophyll الكلوروفيل clothes ملابس deepen يعمق
    widen يوسع cloth قماش depth عمق
    narrow يضيق building houses بناء المنازل without = but for بدون
    carbon dioxide ثانى أكسيد الكربون turn into يتحول إلى rain forests الغابات المطيرة
    violin كمان prune trees يُقَلِم الأشجار absorption امتصاص
    the united nations الأمم المتحدة set rules يضع القواعد واللوائح international community المجتمع الدولي
    forest clearance إزالة الغابات set regulations يضع اللوائح reclaim the desert يستصلح الصحراء
    noise pollution التلوث الضوضائي abide by the law يلتزم بالقانون spread awareness ينشر الوعي
    alleviate suffering يخفف المعاناة solve the crisis يحل الأزمة exert efforts يبذل الجهود
    annual festival مهرجان سنوي foreign investment الاستثمار الأجنبي a great shift تحولا كبيرا

    Why do we need trees ?
    If you ask people why we need trees, most of them will answer: “ We need wood from trees for building houses ”; “ We get fruit and nuts from trees”; “We make paper out of wood from trees”; “we can use wood as a fuel for cooking and heating”. Recently, people have added a more serious reason to this list: “Trees help the earth to breathe ” or “They protect us from global warming ”.
    It has been said that more than 5,000 things in everyday use are made from trees. Here are a few of them: furniture, sports equipment, pencils, magazines and newspapers, cardboard boxes, musical instruments and- believe it or not- some kinds of toothpaste.
    In addition to these uses, trees also give us valuable chemicals. Turpentine, which is used as paint remover, is made from the sap of trees. Sap can also be used to make rubber. If wood is heated, chemicals are produced which can be used to make medicines and some kinds of plastic. Wood products can also be turned into paper, cardboard and materials from which clothes can be made. You may be surprised to hear that wood products are also used in some types of ice cream and other foods.
    So, the next time you are reading a newspaper, eating an ice cream, playing the piano or cleaning your teeth, just stop and think: how would you manage to do these things if there were no trees?

    Language Notes

    breathe in = inhale breathe out = exhale
    breathe in = inhale  يستنشـق
    Plants breathe in carbon dioxide
    breathe out = exhale  يـزفـر
    Plants breathe out oxygen.

    made in made of made from
    made in صنـع في
    This car is made in Japan .
    made of  صنـع مـن ( المادة المصنـوع منها ما زالت موجـودة )
    The bag is made of leather .
    made from  صنـع مـن ( المادة المصنـوع منها لم تعـد موجـودة(
    The cake is made from flour

    help to + inf.  يساعد يأتى بعدها المصدر مسبوقا بـ ( to )
    He helped me to do the job.
    help + inf.  يساعد يأتي بعدها المصدر بـدون ( to )
    He helped me do the job.
    help with + n.  يساعد يأتي بعدها الاسم مسبوقا بـ ( with – in )
    He helped me with the job.

    hear  يسمع ( سماع عارض ـ بدون قصد )
    When I was walking in the street I heard someone crying .
    hear from  يتلقى رسالة من
    Have you heard from Ahmed?
    hear of  يسمع أخبار عن ـ يعرف بوجود شخص أو شئ
    She disappeared and was never heard of again.
    hear about  يسمع ـ يتلقى معلومات عن
    You will hear about this later.

    manage to succeed in
    manage to + المصـدر  يتمكـن مـن
    He managed to answer the test. ( succeed )
    succeed in + (v + ing)  ينجـح فـى
    He succeeded in answering the test.

    weather climate atmosphere
    weather  الطـقس :ـ حالـة الجـو مـن مطـر و ريـاح و ثلـوج في فتـرة معينــة
    What will the weather be like tomorrow ?
    What was the weather like yesterday?
    climate  المنـاخ :ـ حالـة الطقـس في مكـان محـدد
    The climate of Egypt is fine all the year round.

    atmosphere  الغـلاف الجـوي :ـ مـا يحيـط الأرض أو المكـان
    Atmosphere is the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth.

    everyday every day
    everyday (adj.)  تستخدم ككلمة واحدة بمعني يومي وهي في هذه الحالة صفة
    I meet a lot of people in my everyday life
    every day (adj.)  تستخدم ككلمتان منفصلتان بمعني كل يوم وهي في هذه الحالة حال.
    I go to school every day

    count calculate
    count  يعــد علـى أصابعه
    Scientists are able to calculate the speed of sound.
    calculate  يحسـب بالآلـة
    Some tribes can’t count up to nine.

    use to use for use as
    use + object + to + inf  يستخـدم
    We use wood to make furniture. ( use for )
    use + object + for + ( v + ing )  يستخـدم
    We use wood for making furniture.
    use as  يستخدم كـ
    Wood is used as a fuel.

    similar to the same as the same
    similar to  مشابـه لـ ( اختـلاف )
    The two books are similar but this one is new.
    the same as  نفس الشئ بـدون اختـلاف
    He wears the same suit every day.
    the same + (noun)
    They have the same nationality.

     تستخدم بعد الكلمات التي تبدأ بـ ( ( some – every – no – some مثـل
    someone else / everyone else
     تستخدم بعد الكلمات التي تنتهي ( one / thing / body ) مثـل
    something else / nothing else
    else  و تستخدم بعد أدوات الاستفهام (( what / who / why / where
    What else do you need? Who else attended the meeting?

    hold / held / held  يقيم / يمسك
    He held the chair.
    hold an opinion / belief / view  يؤمـن بـرأي / اعتقـاد / وجهة نـظر
    She holds the opinion that the world will end soon.
    hold back  يمنـع / يعـوق
    The police couldn't hold back the crowds.
    hold up  يعطل
    Sorry, I didn't mean to hold everybody up.

    catch  يمسـك
    The cat caught the fish with its mouth.
    catch  يصطـاد حيـوان
    Cats like to catch mice. The police caught the thief.
    catch  يلحـق بـ
    We have to get up early to catch the first bus.
    catch  يصـاب بـ
    It's easy to catch Bird Flu if you are not careful.
    catch  يعـلق بـ ـ يشبـك في
    I caught my new T-shirt in a nail.

    connect contact
    connect something to something  يوصل بجهاز
    First connect the printer to the computer.
    connect someone / thing with something  يوصل / يرتبط بـ
    The railway link would connect Tanta with Cairo.
    There was nothing to connect him with the crime.
    contact  يتصل بـ
    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything.


    يفاجئ بـ ـ يندهش من

    ت ـ يندهش من be surprised to + (inf) عصارة فى النبات تحمل الماء والغذاء sap
    يحسب عمر شجرة calculate the age of a tree يستخدم الخشب كوقود use wood as a fuel
    تلف لـــ damage to يصنع الورق من الخشب make paper out of wood
    يحمى من protect ….. from هام لــ important for
    يتحول إلى turn into يحفر ـ يثقب drill into
    يعتمد على count on = depend on يمتص ـ يستوعب - يخدع take in
    يقلع - يخلع take off يقطع / يُقلل cut down
    ينقل من .. إلي carry from .. to يستبعد leave out
    بصفة عامة in general صدق أو لا تصدق believe it or not
    يسقط أثناء هبوب الرياح fall over in the wind يتنبأ make predictions
    يتحسن في get better at يقدم خدمة أو معروف do a favour
    يُطفئ النيران put out fire ينضم للفريق get in the team
    يضُر / يُلحق ضررا بـ do damage to مجموعة تعليمات a set of instructions
    يُخرج / يُطلق give out يستقر (في مكان معين) put down roots
    يمتد أو يتجه لأسفل point downwards يختبئ من الأعداء hide from enemies
    يعود بالفائدة علي do good to يُبعد .. عن keep .. away from

    Choose the correct answer:
    1. ---------------------------- means the increase in the heat of the Earth.
    ( Globalization – Nationalization – Global warming – Immunity )
    2. The violin الكمان and the lute are both --------------------------- instruments .
    ( music – musician – musicians – musical )
    3. They ------------------------ the piano and performed well.
    ( played – made – did – answered )
    4. He ---------------------------- to climb the tree with great difficulty.
    ( able – managed – capable – could )
    5. We must keep animals ------------------------- from young plants.
    ( on – in – up – away )
    6. Ayman and Samy are the same --------------------------.
    ( old – young – edge – age )
    7. We use ----------------------- to make boxes.
    ( cardboard – dashboard – blackboard – board )
    8. Tyres and boots are made of --------------------------------
    ( rubber – oil – iron – glass )
    9. You can use --------------------------- to brush your teeth.
    ( toothpaste – flour – milk – shaving paste )
    10. The ----------------------------- are the parts of the trees that grow underground.
    ( leaves – nuts – fruits – branches )
    11. The hard outside part of a tree is called -----------------------------
    ( bark – branch - fruit – roots )
    12. Every year, Trees grow extra ----------------------------- of new wood.
    ( branches – trees – rings – roots )
    13. The new trousers are too long , so my mother is going to ----------------------- it.
    ( short – shorten – shortens – shortening )
    14. The liquid that carries food in trees is ---------------------------------
    ( sad – sat – sap – sin )
    15. --------------------------------- is a musical instrument.
    ( paint – piano – jug – mug )
    16. They used ----------------------------- to remove paint.
    ( toothpaste – rubber – turpentine – cardboard )
    17. Goats and other animals can -------------------- tress by damaging the bark.
    ( eat – kill – water – freeze )
    18. The more rain there is in a year , the -------------------- the tree rings are.
    ( narrower – wider – taller – shorter )
    19. The --------------------- of the rings depends on the climate and amount of rain.
    ( wide – width – length – age )
    20. If the bark is badly damaged , the tree ----------------------------
    ( sleeps – dies – runs – walks )
    21. We can make paper --------------------- wood from trees.
    ( out of – of out – down from – from down )
    22. The bark is like our -----------------------
    ( hands – hearts – skin – hair )
    23. We can calculate the age of a tree by counting its -----------------------
    ( leaves – rings – nuts – roots )
    24. We can make a deep narrow hole by using a --------------------------
    ( borer – telescope – microscope – map )

    25. what was the weather ----------------------------- yesterday?
    ( as – like – likes – hates )
    26. The country suffered from ……………….. as there was no rain for long.
    ( draught – famine – drought – draft )
    27. The ………………….. are the food factory of a tree.
    ( trunks – barks – branches – leaves )
    28. He took me ……………… and took all my money.
    ( out – in – off – away )
    29. The tubes carry water from tree's …………………….. to its leaves.
    ( bark – root – trunk – branch )
    30. The smallest part of an animal or a plant is called a …………………….. .
    ( sell – well – cell – skin )
    31. Robin Hood succeeded ……………………. hiding on an oak tree.
    ( in - of - at - for )
    32. We use ………………… to make boxes.
    ( cardboard – dashboard - blackboard – board )
    33. The liquid that carries food in trees is ………………..…….. .
    ( sad - sat – sap – sin )
    34. Paper is made ………………………. wood.
    ( from - of – in – by )
    35. What was the weather ……………… yesterday?
    ( like – alike – as – hates )
    36. He used a paint ……………….. to clean his shirt.
    ( remove – removal – removing – remover )
    37. The oil which is ………………….. from olives is used for cooking.
    ( extracted – retreated – contacted – conducted )
    38. I ………………….. that we would arrive there at 6. p.m.
    ( included – excluded – calculated – valued )
    39. A lot of medicines come from tropical ……………………….. .
    ( rainforests – rainbows – raindrops – rainfalls )
    40. Cutting ………………… trees causes damage to the environment.
    ( in – of – away – down )
    41. You have to obey all the ………………… and regulations.
    ( roles – reels – rails – rules )
    42. Most trees …………………. bigger every year.
    ( die – live – grow – reach )
    Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1- The couple which I met at the station took me to dinner.
    2- In addition to he wrote the letter, he saw the film.
    3- Because they played very well, they lost the match.
    4- The people in our street are very neighbouring. They always help each other.
    5- My uncle is a represent for an international oil company.
    6- You should not ridiculous people who have different ideas from you.
    7- Despite the weather was bad, we went out.
    8- He didn't go out as his illness.
    9- As well as he goes to the market, he visited some friends.
    10- He was driving with one hand and waving with the another.

    A) Translate into Arabic:
    The root of the tree has two main functions. First, it transports water and minerals from the ground
    to the trunk and then to branches and leaves. Second , it holds the tree securely in the ground.

    B) Translate into English :
     تنشأ المكتبات العامة في كل مكان لتشجيع كل أفراد الأسرة علي القراءة.



    Zero conditional  حـالـة الصفـر ( مـع الحقـائـق )

    If + مـضــارع بسـيـط مـضــارع بسيـط

    If we heat water, it boils.

    If you freeze water, It turns into ice.
    If + مـضـارع بسـيـط الأمــر ( ( فى الأمــر

    If my brother comes, please tell me .
    If she comes, let her in.

    The First conditional  الحـالـة الشرطيـة الأولى

    If + مضــارع بسـيـط will + المصـدر
    If you study hard, you will get high marks.
    If I earn some money, I’ll go abroad. ( Should )

     لاحــظ :ـ تحـل Should محـل If فـى الحالتيـن الأولـى والثانيـة ويليهـا مصــدر بــدون to.
    Should + مصدر + فاعل will ( would ) + المصــدر
    Should I earn some money, I’ll go abroad.
     تستخـدم الروابـط الآتيـة بمعنى but only if – If .

    in case

    Future simple provided that Present simple
    as long as
    only if
    I'll attend the party provided that he invites me.
    I'll lend you the money as long as you promise to pay it back soon.
    He will travel abroad in case he gets the passport.

    She will pass the test only if she studies hard
    If he studies hard, he will succeed . ( In case of )
     هـذه الجملة Complex و عنـد تحويلهـا إلى Simple نستخـدم :ـ
    In case of – With - By + noun اســـم or ( v + ing )

    In case of hard study, he will succeed
    If I earn some money, I’ll go a broad. ( In case of )

    In case of earning some money, I’ll go a broad.

    If you study hard, you will get high marks. ( Unless )
    Unless = Except if = If not فى كـل حـالاتهـا

    Unless you study hard, you will not get high marks.
     لاحــظ:ـ إذا كانت If مثبتة عنـد استخدام Unless ننفى جـواب الشرط وأما إذا كانت منفية نحذف النفي ولا ننفى جواب الشـرط .
    You will be late unless you hurry. =
    You will be late if you don't hurry. =
    You will be late except if you hurry.
     لاحـظ في الأمثلة السـابقـة :ـ تستخـدم if + not أو except if محـل unless .

    If you don't study, you will fail. ( Unless )
    Unless you study, you will fail. ( Without )

     هـذه الجملة Complex و عنـد تحويلهـا إلـى Simple نستخـدم :ـ
    Without ( But for ) + noun اســـم or ( v + ing )
    Without ( But for ) studying, you will fail.

    The Second conditional  الحـالـة الشرطيـة الثـانية

    If + ماضي بسـيـط would + المصــدر
    If you studied hard, you would get high marks.
    If he hurried, he would catch the train. ( Should )
    Should he hurry, he would catch the train. ( In case of )

    In case of hurrying, he would catch the train. ( Unless )
    Unless he hurried, he would not catch the train. ( Without )

    Without ( But for ) hurrying, he would not catch the train. ( Were )
    Were + فـاعـل + to + مصـدر would + المصــدر
     تحـل Were محــل If في الحالـة الثانيـة.
    Were he to hurry, he would catch the train.

    He isn’t tall enough to touch the shelf. ( If )

    If he were tall, he’d touch the shelf. ( B. w. Were )
    Were he tall, he’d touch the shelf.

     لاحـــظ :ـ استخـــدام were مــع كـل الضمـائـر في حـالـة الاستحـالـة.
    If I were a doctor, I would be rich
     لاحـــظ :ـ تحـــل Had محـــل If في الحــالــة الثـانيـة ويليـهـا اســم .
    He doesn’t have a map, so he may get lost
    If he had a map, he wouldn’t get lost.

    = Had he a map, he wouldn’t get lost.
     لاحـــظ :ـ إذا كـانـت الجمـلـة مضــارع نستخــدم الحالـة الثـانيـة مــع حــذف النفي .
    He can’t get high marks because he doesn’t do his best. ( B. w. If )
    If he did his best, he would (could) get high marks.

    She doesn't run quickly, so she doesn't catch the train. ( B. w. If )
    If she ran quickly, she would catch the train.

     لاحــظ :ـ تحـــل ( اســم + ( If it were not for محـــل ( But for - without ) في الحالـة الثانيـة.
    If it were not for + اســـم Would + المصــدر
    But for doctors, People would die.
    If it were not for doctors, People would die.

    The Third conditional  الحـالـة الشرطيـة الثـالثـة

    If + ( had + pp ) ماضي تـام would have + pp

    If he had studied hard, he would have got high marks. ( Had )
     لاحــظ :ـ تحــل Had محــل If في الحـالـة الثـالثـة ويليهـا التصـريـف الثالـث .
    Had he studied hard, he would have got high marks.

    Had he studied hard, he would have got high marks. ( In case of )
    In case of hard study, he would have got high marks. ( Unless )
    Unless he studied hard, he would not have got high marks. ( Without )
    Without hard study, he would not have got high marks.
     لاحــظ :ـ إذا كــانـت الجمـلـة ماضي نستخدم الحـالـة الثـالثـة مـع نفـى الإثبـات وإثبـات النفي .
    He didn’t study hard so he didn’t get high marks. ( If )

    If he had studied hard, he would have got high marks.

    We won October war. We restored Sinai. ( If )

    If we hadn’t won October war, we wouldn’t have restored Sinai.

    They didn’t catch the train because they didn’t hurry. ( Had )

    Had they hurried, they would have caught the train.

     لاحــظ :ـ تحــل ( اســم + If it hadn’t been for ) محــل ( But for - without ) في الحالـة الثالثـة.
    If it hadn’t been for + اســم Would have + pp
    Without the rescuers’ efforts, a lot of people wouldn’t have survived
    If it hadn’t been for rescuers' efforts, A lot people wouldn’t have survived.

    Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly:
    1- If I felt tired, I usually go to bed early.
    2- If I found any money at school, I'll take it to one of the teachers.
    3- If you haven't taken those photos, I wouldn't have remembered our holiday.
    4- I'll tell you if I saw anything unusual.
    5- If there hadn't been a doctor on the train, the man would die.
    6- If his wife hadn't been rich, he doesn't marry her.
    7- Unless she makes that phone call, she wouldn't have known about his illness.
    8- Unless he arrives early, he will have missed the lecture.
    9- If he were a lawyer, he helps me.
    10- Had he seen the signal, he wouldn't make that accident.
    11- Unless your call, he might have lost his life .
    12- My advice is not to put off your homework .
    13- Iron expands if it cooled .
    14- We blame to inform you that one of our friends is not well .
    15- Had he has enough time, he would have visit the Cairo Tower .
    16- A conductor's job is to collect fires from passengers on a bus or a train .
    17- If you heated ice, it melts.
    18- If someone will ring the doorbell, don’t let them in.
    19- If she have enough time, she will visit us.
    20- If you took an aspirin, your headache may get better.
    21- If he is a doctor, he could help you.
    22- Without my advice, he will have lost all his money.
    23- He can buy that expensive car if he had enough money.
    24- I would write to him if I know his address.
    25- They would have won the match if they had played badly.
    26- She won't have lost her tennis match if she had had enough practice.
    27- If it weren't for my father’s help, I wouldn’t have passed my exams.
    28- Unless he has been careful, he wouldn't have avoided a terrible accident.
    29- He would succeed provided that he studies hard.
    30- If you heat water, it changed into steam.

    Test 6
    A- Language Functions
    1) Respond to the following situations:
    1. You want to ask one of your grandparents about his life when she was young.
    2. Ahmed suggests going to the shore but you don't have spare time.
    3. You're asked which sport you think is the best form of exercise.
    4. Your bus leaves in ten minutes and you want to catch it.

    2) Supply where these situations take place and who the speakers are:

    1 - A : How can I operate this TV?
    B : This brochure will show you , sir.
    A : Ok , thanks.

    2 – A : How can I get high marks?
    B : If you study hard and work to a plan.
    A : Thank.
    B- Vocabulary and Structure
    3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    1. Every year, trees grow extra ……… of new wood.
    a- rings b- sings c- brings d- kings
    2. The liquid that carries food in trees is called ….
    a- lab b- map c- nap d- sap
    3. A piano is a musical …….. .
    a- measurement b- instrument c- movement d- improvement
    4. We can use turpentine to …………… paint.
    a- remove b- prove c- disprove d- drove
    5. The ………. are the parts of trees that grow under the ground and find water.
    a- leaves b- roots c- bark d- branches
    6. The hard outside part of a tree is called the ……………………… .
    a- ark b- clerk c- bark d- park
    7. ……………….. are the flat green parts at the ends of the branches of a tree.
    a- Leaves b- Roots c- Bark d- Branches
    8. A fruit grows on a plant or tree and has ……………….. inside.
    a- leaves b- roots c- seeds d- branches
    9. If it ------------------ tomorrow, I will go for a walk.
    a- doesn't rain b- won't rain c- didn't rain d- hadn't rained
    10. ---------------- danger, call the police.
    a- If b- Unless c- Without d- In case of
    11. If we heat metals , they ----------------------
    a- expanded b- would expand c- will not expand d- expand
    12. If you meet my father, ------------ tell him I am in the club.
    a- won't b- wouldn't c- don't d- can't
    13. You will understand the lesson ----------------- you listen carefully.
    a- unless b- except if c- as long as d- so
    14. If she -------------- the newspaper, she would have known.
    a- read b- reads c- had read d- will read
    15. If I -------------- you, I would apologize to her.
    a- am b- were c- had been d- have been
    16. If he didn't come , I ----------------- him.
    a-forgive b- won't forgive c- wouldn't forgive d- would have forgiven

    4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1. If I felt tired, I will go to bed.
    2. If I found any money at school, I will take it to the teacher.
    3. I will tell you if I saw anything unusual.
    4. If she trains hard , she wins next week's race.
    5. This instance measures breathing and blood pressure.
    6. Her company has benches in Cairo and Alexandria.
    (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
    5) Read the following passage then answer the questions:
    Light and heat from the sun pour down on the Earth all the time. When we turn this energy into electricity or use it as heat, we call it solar |- power. On a sunny day, a square patch of Earth facing the sun with sides 1 m (40 in) long gets up to 1.000 watts of power from the sun: enough to run one bar of an electric fire. In fact, the sun could supply all the power we need for the whole world if could collect it and use it efficiently. The equipment needed to turn the sun's energy into useful power is expensive
    But the costs of running and maintaining that equipment are less than those of ordinary power stations.
    Electricity is probably the most convenient type of power we use every day, and solar cells can turn sunlight directly into electricity. Solar cells are made from thin slices of pure silicon, a material, which can be got from sand.
    The top of the slice is a slightly different kind of silicon from the bottom, and when light shines on it, an electric current will flow along a wire connecting the top to the bottom. A single solar cell produces only a tiny current, but an array of cells connected together makes a useful amount of power. Solar cells are expensive to make so we use them only where there is no convenient electricity supply. Satellites in space have huge panels of solar cells to supply their electricity. In remote parts of some developing countries solar cells provide electricity to pump water for drinking and growing crops and to power refrigerators storing medicines.

    Answer the following questions:
    1. What is solar power?
    2. When could the sun supply the power needed for the whole world?
    3. Why must satellites in space have solar cells?
    4. What does the underlined word 'remote' refer to?

    B - Choose the right answer form a, b, c, or d:
    5. The most suitable type of power for us is ...........
    a) coal b) oil c) gas d) electricity
    6. The ........... is a good conductor of electricity.
    a) silicon b) light c) sun d) slice
    7. A single solar cell produces a .......... current of electricity.
    a) strong b) remote c) tiny d) hot
    6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
    In Egypt, the tourism industry has come to hold a position of great importance lately. It is felt that it could help increase the national income. In some European countries, tourism has brought in millions of dollars yearly, although they lack the natural and historical attractions we have in Egypt. We could, for instance, establish tourist villages for children on the Red Sea. We could teach fishing, swimming, diving and sailing there. Another good idea would be a village in the New Valley for horse riding. And what about villages for people with health problems like rheumatism? The warm dry climate of Aswan and Helwan would certainly help them get better.
    Our tourist today wants efficient and friendly service. He would probably prefer to try our samples of our local food rather than to eat the international meals, which are served, in some places. It must also be remembered that most tourists nowadays are seldom rich. Many of them are students or hardworking employees. So what is needed is not expensive hotels but clean comfortable places to sleep and eat in at reasonable prices. This, too, would encourage Egyptians to travel more and more around their lovely country.

    Give short answers to the following questions:
    1. How could we encourage Egyptians to see more and more of their country?
    2. Why has tourism become very important?
    3. What sort of people did the writer suggest to enjoy our warm dry climate?

    Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    4. The writer feels that Egypt has got …….. the other countries which make so much money from tourism.
    a) less attractions than b) the least attractions of
    c) the same attractions as d) more attractions than
    5. According to the writer, if someone has pains in his muscles and joints, he should go to ………
    a) Europe b) Aswan c) The Red Sea d) The New Valley
    D- The Novel
    7) (A) Answer the following questions:
    1- Where should gold and silver objects found in digging be kept ?
    2- The Incas and the Ancient Egyptian differed in the way they buried their dead. Explain how?
    3- What made Dr Hafez choose Leila to be in charge of a team ?

    B)Read following quotation and answer the questions:

    “We’re going to break through into the tomb this week”

    1- Who said this to whom ?
    2- Why were the going to break through in the tomb ?
    3- What was the tomb they decided to break through ?

    C) Complete the following sentences :
    1- Dr Hafez was so careful that he ………………….….
    2- What made Dr Hafez suspect Martin Lander was …………………
    3- Dr Hafez warned Leila of ………………….……..
    E- Writing
    Cool Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
    " The importance and uses of trees "
    F- Translation
    9) A- Translate into Arabic:
    Trees are very important because they have many uses. We can use them to get wood and other
    things . But the most important thing is that they protect us from global warming.

    B) Translate into English:
     تساهم الأشجار في زيادة الأكسجين وتقليل التلوث.
     إن العمل الجماعى يـؤدى إلى التعــاون وإنكـار الذات والنظـام.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الإثنين أبريل 29, 2024 2:27 pm