منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

مرحبا بك أخى ( أختى )الكريم * يسعدنى ويشرفنى زيارتكم *ويسعدنى تسجيلكم فى المنتدى
أخوكم فى الله
أ/ أحمد محمد الصغير

منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى الأصدقاء أحمد محمد الصغير

إسلاميات علم ومعرفة ( فلسفة ومنطق + علم نفس وإجتماع+لغة عربية +لغة إنجليزية + لغة فرنسية +تاريخ +جغرافيا + فيزياء + كيمياء + أحياء +رياضيات + إقتصاد وإحصاء +جيولوجيا وعلوم بيئية + مستوى رفيع +أخرى )أخبار برامج ( للكمبيوتر+ النت+ تحميل برامج إسلامية )جديد

المواضيع الأخيرة

» مبادئ الفلسفة للصف الاول الثانوى 2018
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» منج الفلسفة والمنطق لعام 2016 الجديد
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» مذكرة الصف الأول الثانوى الجديد لعام 2015
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» تحميل لعبة كرة القدم pes 2015 مجانا ً وبروابط مباشرة
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» اقوى مذكرة ادب وورد للصف الاول الثانوى مدعمة بتدريبات الاسئلة بمواصفات جديدة لواضع الاسئلة 2014
للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit  7 I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 20, 2014 12:06 am من طرف أبويحيى

» مذكرة الاستاذ عبدة الجعر مراجعة قصة ابو الفوارس فصل فصل شامل كل الاسئلة الامتحانية بمواصفات 2014
للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit  7 I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 20, 2014 12:04 am من طرف أبويحيى

التبادل الاعلاني

انشاء منتدى مجاني

    للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit 7

    مدير المنتدى أ/أحمد محمد الصغير أحمد

    عدد المساهمات : 300
    تاريخ التسجيل : 15/02/2012
    العمر : 46

    للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit  7 Empty للصف الثالث الثانوىHello English Unit 7

    مُساهمة  أبويحيى الثلاثاء أبريل 10, 2012 11:40 pm

    Hello English 1st Great engineering 3rd Unit 7


    great عظيم sound like يشبه flood يفيض
    tourist سائح project مشروع unthinkable غير معقول
    tourism السياحة engineering project مشروع هندسي monuments آثار
    the way to الطريق إلى cheap رخيص Nile valley وادي النيل
    city centre وسط المدينة modern حديث make a plan يدبر خطة
    underground train مترو الأنفاق ancient قديم draw up a plan يرسم خطة
    railway system نظام سكة حديد consider يعتبر rescue ينقذ
    the middle east الشرق الأوسط invest يستثمر rescue operation عملية إنقاذ
    engine محرك ـ موتور investor مستثمر weigh يزن
    engineer مهندس investment استثمار weight الوزن
    engineering الهندسة progress تقدم ـ تطور raise يرفع
    a lot newer أجدد كثيرا the whole thing الشيء بأكمله rise يرتفع
    line خط amazing مذهل concrete base قاعدة خرسانية
    open (v) (adj) يفتح ـ مفتوح finish ينهى complete يكمل
    commuter المسافر يوميا إلى العمل plan خطة attacks هجمات
    carry يحمل improve يحسن emperor إمبراطور
    hold يمسك safe يوفر empire إمبراطورية
    pick يلتقط amazing works أعمال مذهلة great wall of china سور الصين العظيم
    lift يرفع site موقع eventually أخيرا
    cost يتكلف ـ تكلفة temple معبد stop attackers يمنع المهاجمين
    whether ---- or سواء .... أو carve ينحت structure بناء
    station محطة cliff صخرة مرتفعة construction بناء
    save money يوفر مال position موقع ـ يقع reconstruction إعادة البناء
    massive ضخم certain times أوقات معينة re-open يعيد افتتاح
    giant عملاق rays أشعة combination خليط ـ مزيج
    drilling machine آله حفر rising sun الشمس المشرقة attack يهاجم
    dig يحفر illuminate ينير ride يركب ـ يمتطى
    tunnel نفق ـ يحفر نفق illumination إنارة on horse backs على ظهر الخيل
    diameter قطر government الحكومة statue تمثال


    Great Engineering
    Egypt has many amazing works of engineering, both ancient and modern. South of Aswan, for example, Abu Simbel is the site of two temples which were carved into a cliff in about 1250 BC. The larger temple was positioned so that at certain times of the year, the rays of the rising sun would illuminate the statues of Ptah, Amun-Re, Ramses II and Ry-Horakhty.
    In 1954, the government decided to build Aswan High Dam. This meant that the Nile Valley would be flooded and that Abu Simbel itself would be under water. It was unthinkable that Egypt should lose one of its most important monuments, so plans were made to rescue it.
    The massive statues were cut into pieces which weighed over 30 tonnes each. These were raised over 60 metres up the cliff, where they were attached to a concrete base. The work took thousands of workers more than three years to complete. Today, the temples, which were re-opened in 1968, are an amazing combination of ancient and modern engineering.
    Many years after the building of Abu Simbel, China had a different problem which was solved by another great engineering project. Many years ago, enemies were attacking the rich towns of northern China. The emperor decided to keep the attacks out, so work on the Great Wall of China began in 220 BCE and continued for hundreds of years. Eventually, the wall reached a length of 6400 km. It is the longest structure ever built and was all made without machines. Its five-meter width is wide enough for soldiers to ride along on horses to stop attackers from climbing over the wall.

    Language Notes

    carved into carved out of
    carved into  منحـــوت فـى
    The temple was carved into the sandstone cliff.
    carved out of  منحـــوت مـن
    The statue is carved out of wood.

    site  موقـع أثـرى / بنـاء
    Abu Simble is the site of two temples south of Aswan.
    site  موقع على شبكة الإنترنت
    You can apply for the job on our website.

    raise rise arise arouse
    raise ( d ) + مفعـول  يـربى حيوانـات / يجمـع مـال / يرفـع
    Raise your hand if you want to answer.
    He raised a lot of money a broad. His uncle raises cattle and sheep.
    rise - rose - risen  يرتفـع / تشـرق / ينهـض ليحيى شخص / يستيقظ ( بـدون مفعـول )
    The sun rises in the east. I rise at 6.00 in the morning.
    When the visitor entered, all students rose. Taxis fare have risen
    arise arose arisen  يـزيد عن الحـد / يحتـدم / ينشـأ ( بـدون مفعـول )
    A lot of problems arise because of misunderstanding.
    arouse ( مفعـول ) + aroused  يثيـر/ يوقـظ
    His behavior aroused the suspicion of the police. Don’t arouse the baby.

    decide to + inf  يقـرر
    She decided to go out.
    decide on + noun  يقـرر ـ يحدد
    You have to decide on your goal in life
    decide that + sentence  يقـرر
    He decided that you should attend.

    conquer occupy raid
    conquer  يغزو ( عدو أو بلد )
    The Normans conquered England in 1066.
    occupy  يحتل ( مكان أو بلد )
    The capital has been occupied by the rebel army.الجيش الثائر
    raid  يشن ( غارة )
    Villages along the border are regularly raided.

    adjectives ending in (ed) & (ing)
    adjectives ending in (ed)  الصفـات المنتهيـة بـ ed تعبـر عن أشخـاص
    I'm very tired today. I'm interested in reading books.
    adjectives (ing)  أمـا الصفـات المنتهيـة بـ ing تعبـر عـن أشيـاء
    Shopping is very tiring. I watched a very interesting film yesterday.
    adjectives (ing)  ويمكن أن تأتى الصفـة المنتهيـة بــ (ing) مـع العاقل إذا كان الشخص هو الذي يسبب هذه الصفة.
    He is boring. ( It means that he causes boredom )

    hundred thousand million
     هذه الكلمات إذا جاء قبلها عدد محدد تكون مفردا أما إذا لم يسبقها عدد محدد وتشير لكميات كبيرة تكون جمعا.
    His salary is 500 hundred pounds a month.
    Thousands of people watched the match on TV yesterday.

    realize achieve reach
    realize  يدرك
    I'm sorry, I didn't realize that it was so late.
    achieve  يحقق
    He will never achieve anything if he doesn't work harder.
    reach ( goal – aim – target )  يصل إلى ـ يحقق
    He reached his goal after long hours of hard work.

    lose miss
    lose  يخسـر ـ يفقـد شـئ
    Our national team lost the last match.
    miss  يفتقـد شخـص ـ يفـوته مواصـلات
    I missed my uncle very much. He missed the train as he got up late.

    proud pride
    proud of (something / someone)  فخــور بـ
    Her parents are very proud of her.
    proud to do something  فخــور أن
    I am proud to receive this award.
    take pride in  يفتخر بـ
    She takes a great pride in her work.

    keep up يستمـر keep out يتجنـب ـ يحجـز
    keep in يحبـس keep off لا تقتـرب
    keep up with يسـايـر ـ يـواكـب keep down يسيطـر علـى
    keep pace with يسـايـر ـ يـواكـب keep at يواظـب علـى
    keep away from يبعـد عـن keep to يـلازم
    Keep back يعـوق

    cut out تتـوقـف آلـة cut to size يقطـع حسـب المقـاس
    cut down يقلل ـ يختصر ـ يقطع شجرة cut off يـوقـف إمداد
    cut up يمـزق cut يقطـع

    work on (something) يصنـع أو يصلـح أو يحسـن الشـئ work up يحسـن أو يطـور أو ينمـى
    work on (someone) يحاول أن يقنـع الشخـص work ( himself ) up يتضـايق أو يغضـب مـن شـئ
    work in \ into يمـزج work for يعمـل لحسـاب
    work out يحل - يحسـب - يتدرب بانتظـام work in someone's favour يعمـل لصالحـه - يفيـد
    work with يعمل مع ـ يساعد work against يعمل ضد


    يسافر إلى travel to يعمل كــ work as
    يخطط لــــ plan for فى صالح in favour of
    منحوت في be carved into يتجول travel around
    يبعد keep out يعبر من تحت go under
    يمنع من stop ----from فخور بــ proud of
    يمنع من prevent ---- from فخور أن proud that + جملة
    يمنع من discourage ---- from على ظهر الحصان on horses

    يتنافس فى compete in يثبت في attach to = fix to

    على ظهر الخيل on horses يقطع لأجزاء cut into pieces

    يذهب من ـ إلى go from --- to يضع خطة make a plane

    يلتقط pick up أعمال هندسية
    works of engineering

    Choose the correct answer:
    1. My father studied ……………………… at university and has designed many important bridges.
    ( engineer – engineering – engineered – engineers )
    2. Education is a/an …………………… in the future of a country and its people.
    ( investment – wish – hope – fun )
    3. The Great wall of China was a / an ………………. project which took years.
    ( wish – massive – royal – tiny )
    4. The tunnel has a ………………. of 7.6 meters.
    ( size – diameter – wide – long )
    5. He works in engineering as he is a / an ………………….. .
    ( engineer – farmer – detective – lawyer )
    6. The verb of " commuter " is ……………………. .
    ( compute – comment – communicate – commute )
    7. The quickest way to get to the city centre is to …………….. an underground train .
    ( buy – sell – take – come )
    8. A journey on the underground ……………….. one pound.
    ( pays – costs – gives – repay )
    9. The first line of the Paris Metro system was ………………… in 1900.
    ( opened – played – moved – painted )
    10. ……… is a large structure that is built to remind us of an important event or a famous person.
    ( Cliff – Base – Monuments – Raise )
    11. To …………………. means to make light shine on something.
    ( carve – raise – illuminate – cut )
    12. To move or lift something to a higher position means ………………….. .
    ( raise – cut – arise – buy )
    13. To carve is to cut stone or wood into a particular …………………… .
    ( shade – shadow – shallow – shape )
    14. The ……………….. carved the sculpture from a massive piece of stone.
    ( artist - actor - director - player )
    15. The conquest was in …………………….. .
    ( 133 Ad – 133 BC – BC 133 – 133 AB )
    16. The temples are an amazing ……………………. of ancient and modern engineering.
    ( combination – unit – mixture – control )
    17. The Wall …………………… a length of 6400 km.
    ( arrived – reached – got on – came )
    18. …………………….. are responsible for protecting their countries.
    ( Actors – Soldiers – Queens – Toddlers )
    19. She ……………………. her husband so much because of his death.
    ( missed – lost – enjoyed – hated )
    20. Part of The metro runs in a ………………… under the Nile.
    ( channel – hole – tunnel – funnel )

    Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1- We are proud of he won the prize.
    2- They do a plan to rescue the monuments.
    3- It is width enough for them to move.
    4- The thieves attached the old woman and robbed her.
    5- H has his own factory , he works against himself.
    6- I can't hear you , please rise your voice.
    7- Doctors helps sick people.
    8- We are listen to music now.
    9- She is running fastly.
    10- When are she coming?
    A) Translate into Arabic:
    The government sets up industrial projects to increase our local production. It encourages the private sector to invest capital. It also demolishes the barriers that hinder economic progress.

    B) Translate into English :
     إن موقع مصر الجغرافي المتميز و آثارها الرائعة جعلها واحدة من أهم الدول السياحية في العالم .

    Certainty – Deduction التـأكـد ـ الاستنتـاج
    with Present Past
    must + مصـدر must have + pp
    I'm sure شبــــه
    I'm certain
    He must be a teacher. He must have been a teacher.
    I think
    certainly I'm sure he is a doctor. I think he recorded the song.

    I believe He must be a teacher. He must have recorded the song.
    I imagine
    can't + مصـدر can't have + pp
    He can't be a teacher. للنـفــى He can't have been a teacher.
    I'm sure, he isn't the killer. I think he didn't go to the country.
    He can't be the killer. He can't have gone to the country.

    may + مصـدر may have + pp
    not sure He may be a teacher. احتمالية عـــــدم
    تــأكـــد He may have been a teacher.
    not certain
    perhaps It's probable he arrives early. Perhaps she phoned me.
    He may arrive early. She may have phoned me.
    might + مصـدر might have + pp
    very not sure عـــــدم تــأكـــد
    very not certain He might be a teacher. He might have been a teacher.
    it is possible It's possible he will come. I don't think they went out.
    I don't think so He might come. They might have gone out.
    I don't believe

    Can & can't

    Can = am – is - are able to + inf
     تستخـدم can للتعبيـر عـن القـدرة على فعـل الشـئ أو إمكانيـة حـدوث الشـئ فى الحاضر أو المستقبل .
    He can speak three languages .
    You can drive the car only if you have a driving license.

     وتعبـر عـن الإذن أو السمـاح بفعـل شـئ .
    can + inf verb يستطيـع
    He can swim. ( able )
    be able to + inf adj قـادر علـى
    He is able to swim. ( capable )
    be capable of + v + ing adj قـادر علـى
    He is capable of swimming. ( ability )
    have the ability to + inf or of +(v+ing) Noun لديـه القـدرة على
    He has the ability to swim ( of swimming ).

    can't + inf  تعبـر عـن عـدم القـدرة أو عـدم الإذن أوعـدم السمـاح بفعـل شـئ .

    I can’t carry this stone alone. You can't use my pen.

    Could & Could have + pp

    Could = am – is - are able to + inf
     ماضـى can هــو could أو was - were able to
    He could ride a bicycle when he was three.
    Ali was not a very good boxer, but he was able to beat his rival.

     لاحـــظ :ـ تستخـدم was - were able to للتعبيـر عـن أنـه أستطـاع فعـل الشئ ولكـن بصعـوبة.
     تستخـدم فـى المضـارع والمستقبـل وبخاصـة فى حالـة الاقتـراح والعـرض والطلـب أو طلـب الإذن .
    What shall we do this afternoon ? We could play football.

    Could / Can I get you a glass of mango juice ? Thank you..

    Could / Can I open the door, please ? Certainly.

    Could / Can I go to the cinema with my friends ?
     وتستخـدم could أيضـا للتعبيـر عـن إمكـانيـة حـدوث الشـئ فـى المستقبـل .
    There could be an expedition on Mars soon . = It is possible that there will be.

    Could have + pp  كـان مـن الممكـن أن تفعـل شيئـا فـى الماضـى ولكـنك لـم تفعـله .

    I didn’t visit my uncle Ali yesterday. I could have visited him, but I had a lot of work to do.

    Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
    1- In the past, people can't find clean water, so there were a lot of diseases.
    2- She's been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she's finally managed in passing it.
    3- I don't see my neighbour any more. He must moved to a new house.
    4- He can read or write. He is illiterate.
    5- Excuse me, should you tell me the way to the station, please?
    6- We could get into our car because our keys were locked inside.
    7- We will keep out of oil in 20 years.
    8- Almost any information you need shall be found on the internet.
    9- He uses a stethoscope and wears a white coat. He can't be a doctor.
    10- She can the ability to do her job very efficiently.
    Choose the correct answer
    1) He ………………. ill. He eats like a horse.
    ( must be – can't be – won't be – must have been )
    2) He ………………. taken the early train. I'm really not sure.
    ( will have – must have - could have – need to have )
    3) You ……………… take any pictures here. The sign over there says, "No Photographing."
    ( can – may not – should – can't )
    4) She ………………. to explain things clearly.
    ( is capable – has the ability – can – could )
    5) The rain …………………. have stopped by now. I'm not sure.
    ( might - must – shall – need )
    6) Accidents …………………. happen if there are too many cars in city centers.
    ( shall – mustn't – can – could have )
    7) I don't know where my bag is. I ………………… have left it on the train.
    ( might – can't – should – can )
    Cool Hesham didn't take his keys , he …………………… have seen them.
    ( must – can – can't – may )
    9) I have just seen Ali at the club .He …………………….. be at home.
    ( must – can't – may – mustn't )
    10) This is not Ayman's house .You …………………… be mistaken.
    ( can't – must – may – might )
    11) He didn't wave back to me. He ………………… seen me.
    ( must have – can't have – may have – may have )
    12) They have just told him of his success . He …………………… be sad.
    ( may – might – must – can't )
    13) I am not sure what my son is doing. he ………………… be watching TV .
    ( must – may – might – can't )
    14) It is moving by itself. It …………………… be a rock.
    ( must – may – might – can't )
    15) You ………………. my mobile. I didn't mind at all.
    ( may use – must use – can't have used – could have used )
    16) He is smiling , he …………………. be happy.
    ( must – may – might – can't )
    17) I don't know the reason for his sadness. He ……………… some bad news.
    ( must have heard – may have heard – could hear – can't have heard )
    18) The man ………………… by the thief, I am sure.
    ( must have killed – must have been killed – might have killed – may have killed )
    19) The criminal ………………… have escaped through that well-locked door.
    (could – couldn't –must – may)
    20) That restaurant ……………….. be very good , it is always full of people.
    ( must – may – might – can't )
    21) He …………………. because I was at home all day.
    ( must telephone – can't telephone – must have telephoned – can't have telephoned )
    Test 7
    A- Language Functions
    1) Respond to the following situations:
    1- Hesham offers to go the doctor's with you , but you can't take him on your own.
    2- You don't have any sugar left. Explain why you are going to the supermarket.
    3- You're at Hazem's house and you're late for home. He wants you to stay with him but you apologize.
    4- A friend asks your opinion about a film director he likes. You don't agree with your friend.
    2) Supply where these situations take place and who the speakers are:
    1- A: Do you remember what happened?
    B: No, I just remember waking up in the road.
    A: How do you fell now?
    B: Not too bad. Will I have to stay here tonight?
    A: We are not sure yet. We will have to check you have no broken bones.

    2- A: Excuse me. I need to find out about modern farming in Egypt
    for a university project.
    B: All the information on agriculture is on the second floor.
    A: Thank you. Can I take any of the books out?
    B- Vocabulary and Structure
    3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    1- If you want to ask a question , you should ……………….. your hand.
    a- rise b- raise c- cut d- wash
    2- It was ………………… , we can't believe or accept it.
    a- think b- thinkable c- unthinkable d- rethink
    3- They ………………. their train so they had to wait.
    a- lost b- missed c- took d- damaged
    4- The Cairo Metro is the only underground railway …………….. in the Middle East.
    a- method b- operation c- experiment d- system
    5- People can …………… money by travelling on the underground.
    a- steal b- save c- keep d- take
    6- In the past, women ………………. do certain jobs.
    a- can't b- will c- shall d- couldn't
    7- ……………..I ask you a few questions, please?
    a- Ought b- May c- Have d- Don't
    8- There is plenty of food in the world. We ……………….. feed everyone.
    a- can b- won't c- have d- should have
    9- He ……………………. gone to the cinema, but he preferred to watch a film on TV.
    a- could have b- may have c- needn't have d- won't have
    10- He worked on his bike for a long time. Finally, he ………………… to mend it.
    a- could b- able c- ability d- managed
    11- A small dog had somehow ……………………. surviving the fire.
    a- managed to b- succeeded in c- was able d- could
    12- When I was younger I …………….. stay up all night and not get tired.
    a- could b- can c- was able d- managed
    13- …………… you buy me some stamps, please?
    a- May b- Might c- Should d- Can
    14- I …………….. find my keys this morning so I got into the house through the window.
    a- shouldn't b- can't c- couldn't d- might not
    15- He …………….. British. He speaks English fluently.
    a- must be b- can't be c- won't be d- must have been
    16- I have lost one of my gloves, I must ……………… it somewhere.
    a- drop b- have dropped c- dropping d- drops
    4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
    1- I am sure he might be an engineer.
    2- He must has had an accident
    3- He has a lot of money , he can't be rich.
    4- The telephone rang , but I didn't hear it , I cant have been asleep.
    5- It is possible , he must have taken the book.
    6- I am sure, he must been intelligent.
    (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
    5) Read the following passage then answer the questions:
    Objects sometimes fall from space and hit the Earth. Although most asteroids burn up as soon as they reach the Earth’s atmosphere, some cause big craters حفر or holes in the Earth’s surface. Scientists think that millions of years ago dinosaurs died out when a gigantic ضخم asteroid hit the Earth, causing an enormous dust cloud. The dust غبار cloud prevented sunlight from reaching Earth so all the plants died. Animals which lived on plants soon died too because they had nothing to eat. Then big meat-eating animals like dinosaurs started to suffer because the animals they usually ate had disappeared. Dinosaurs were huge creatures and required a lot of food. Soon there weren’t enough animals for them to eat and they became extinct. منقرض
    Asteroids are not the only things that fall from the sky. There have been reports throughout history of showers of dish, frogs and even sheep. The Greek writer Aeschylus was killed when a tortoise fell from the sky and hit him on the head. Eagles like to eat tortoises, but they find it difficult to break their tough shells. They sometimes pick them up, fly high into the sky and drop them on rocks so that the shells break and they can get at the tortoise inside. Aeschylus was bald and a passing eagle mistook his head for a rock.

    A) Answer the following questions:
    1. What happens when asteroids hit the Earth?
    2. Why do eagles drop tortoises on rocks?
    3. How do scientists think that an asteroid caused the extinction of the dinosaurs?

    B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    4. The underlined pronoun “them” refers to…………………………………………..
    a) tortoises b) eagles c) objects d) winds
    5. A passing eagle thought Aeschylus’s head to be…………………………………
    a) an asteroid b) a dinosaur c) a tortoise d) a rock
    6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
    Every one has heard of Bill Gates , one of the richest and most successful people in the world. Microsoft , the business he started with a friend in 1975 , has become the world's largest computer software company. At school Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent, and especially good at Maths and Science, His parents decided to send him to Lakeside , the private school where he first began to use computers. 13-year-old Bill and his school friend Paul Alien were soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork ! After finishing school in 1973 , Bill went to Harvard , America's most famous university .
    The next year , he and Paul Alien wrote an operating program for the Altair , one of the world's first micro computers. The two friends started Microsoft in 1975 . Since then , the company has continued to grow , producing most of the world's leading PC software. One reason for his success is that Gates has always been very ambitious , and hardworking.
    When he does find time to relax , he likes puzzles , golf and reading about science . He has already given huge amounts of money to charity and says that he plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires.

    A) Answer the following questions :
    1. Why has Gates been so successful?
    2. What does he do in his free time?
    3. What does he plan to do with all his money?

    B) Choose the right answer :-
    4. After school Gates went to the most ………………. university in America.
    a) unknown b)ordinary c) well known
    5. Gates and his ………………. Paul Alien started Microsoft in 1975.
    a) pen friend b) colleague c) classmate
    D- The Novel
    7) (A) Answer the following questions:
    1. Where did the Chimu build their tombs ?
    2. Why was Dr Hafez going to Quenco?
    3. According to Amalia, Why did Leila come to work in Peru ?

    B)Read following quotation and answer the questions:
    “I know. We have the same problem in Egypt since the time of the Pharaohs”
    1. Who said this to whom ?
    2. What was the problem he was talking about ?
    3. How could that problem be solved ?

    C) Complete the following sentences :
    1. The Incas wouldn’t allow the Chimu kings to rule unless .......................…….
    2. Leila was working with Dr Hafez before because .....................................…….
    3. Robbers stole objects from Peru and ...............………………………………….
    E- Writing
    Cool Write a letter to
    your pen-friend Tony inviting him to visit Egypt during the summer holiday. Tell him that you will show him the places of interest and ancient monuments . Your name is Ahmed and you live at 16, El Gehad street, Zeiton, Cairo.

    F- Translation
    9) A- Translate into Arabic:
    The Great Wall of China was built according to the emperor's orders. It was built to protect China from the raiders . It is regarded as the longest graveyard in history.

    B) Translate into English:
     تملك مصر الكثير من الآثار التاريخية العظيمة التي يأتي إليها السياح من كل أنحاء العالم لزيارتها والاستمتاع برؤيتها.
     يعتبر إنقاذ معابد أبو سمبل عمل هندسي عظيم.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة أبريل 19, 2024 12:07 pm